A Final Sprint (Thomas's P. O. V)

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I was on my way to the Mainland with my Coaches and Henrietta, once we reached Elsbridge, we heard a screech and a whistle. It was James and he was horribly twisted, and he was now trying to get us. I heard Henrietta and my coaches screaming as James was catching up, I heard my Driver and Fireman panicking and start shooting at James. My driver threw on my regulator fully and I started to get ahead, I passed Percy and Mavis at Crosby. I'm starting to panic as James is catching up, I think, I can hear my crew getting more desperate and yelling at me to go faster even though they knew I couldn't, I had to try. We thundered through Wellsworth passing by a few engines, but I couldn't see who it was, all I did know was that James was now next to me and ready to strike. I heard a cry that ended as soon as it started, by now I'm ready to give up and accept my fate since my crew I think are dead and James is about to attack me. 

The Derailment.

As I tried to get away, we were now at the bottom of Gordon's Hill and nearly at Maron, I felt something attach to my side and begin to push against me I couldn't apply my brakes I started screaming as I was suddenly forced off the line and into a field with my Coaches and Henrietta. I'm going to shut my eyes now and wait for my Demise. Wait is that a whistle? I think it is. I opened my eyes and saw Neville and Molly charging at James with a flatbed and truck. I watched as they smashed into James, the truck was splintered instantly and the flatbed banged into James and almost derailed, but after a while of whistling and shouting they managed to scare James away. I thanked them and then. Since I couldn't see if my coaches were okay, I asked Neville who was at the front. I was confused at why he looked down at his buffers, until it hit me. No no they can't be... Right? No, they can't be dead! Neville just looked at me sadly and Molly just kept looking down. DAM IT. No... They're gone. 

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