The First Horror

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Log 4: Time : 12:30 P.M

While me and Jeremy were searching the town near Knapford, we found a television set. Jeremy switched on the news and we listened hoping to figure out what the hell happened, the only news we got was shocking to put it quite frankly. The reporter, Kent, said things like the "Government facility near Killdane had a chemical leak which caused a fire and then that explosion." Then the screen went black, Jeremy went cold. I noticed and asked if he was alright and he then asked "Didn't they say they found nuclear bombs and equipment a while back?" Honestly I was rather confused until I remembered what Sir Topham had told us that they infact did find Post-Soviet weapons and bombs, also they were testing it at that facility... Okay I'm going to focus on searching instead of documenting. 

Log 5: Time: 1:15 P.M

Alright so after we left the town we got back into Percy he asked did if we found anything to eat or drink. We did actually find a cooler in the station master's office because of a recent heatwave, but we didn't have any power for it so we just placed the sandwiches and pastries in the cooler that was empty since the ice had long since melted and put the 3 water bottles inside. While we were sorting out the cooler I explained to Percy about what we found and what the news said. After we were ready to go and Percy calmed down we opened the other shed door and set off. I'll put this away until we reach Elsbridge. 

Log 6: Time: 2:00 P.M

 Bloody Hell that was terrifying. So my hands are still quite shaky after seeing whatever that thing was I think it was Duck, but I can still write so turns out whatever that leakage was is now across the entire Island. Right so turns out that it can well "Mutate" Engines. How did we find this out? Well once we reached Tidmouth Station we heard a whistle and what we thought was screaming, but I wasn't too sure. Until we saw Duck... Percy shrieked in Horror at the sight of Duck and Jeremy threw up. I almost froze in fright, but Duck was pulling 3 coaches and headed towards Knapford I think. Harry and Marc weren't in his cab so I can say they are most likely dead. 


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