Survivors and The Tales of The Brendam Bay Massacre

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Alright so this is brilliant news, you may be confused but we heard a whistle and my word. Gordon, Edward, Neville, and Thomas just arrived, and they are claiming that there are more survivors at Elsbridge. This means we could have a chance of escaping, or that just means more of us will be killed. However, I noticed Boco looking extremely downcast, Oliver asked the others what happened to them, and Neville decided it was time to tell his story from the beginning.

 Gallant Tales of a Q1

A few minutes before the blast, Neville was shunting together a goods train to take to the mainland. He had shunted most of the trucks together when he heard men shouting nearby and then the sirens blared, suddenly a huge explosion echoed through the sky, (Neville's Driver) Threw on his reverser and the Q1 raced out of the siding, and the engine shed. The Shockwave hit them, and they were almost thrown off the rails. After a few days, they heard a few engines pass and after a while, they met up with Molly but were soon forced out when an engine known as Dennis attacked Cronk. The surviving workmen tried to fight it off, but most were wiped out almost immediately. Molly and Neville buffered up, took some supplies, and quickly left the area, but that beast didn't follow. They were puffing down the line when they saw an engine up ahead, turns out it was Thomas, with Annie and Clarabell, and a mutated James. Molly tried to slow down, but Neville dragged her forward and they slammed into James, unfortunately, it didn't derail the number five, but it was angry. Several tendrils shot out and latched onto the flatbed in front of Neville, it went in for the kill, but Neville's driver fired at it several times in the face and boiler. That creature backed off and retreated out of sight, and well they met up with us at Wellsworth. When we left, Neville asked if anyone wanted to search around Brendam with him. Thomas and Trevor agreed, however, Mavis and Toby wanted to stay at Wellsworth, they said their goodbyes and parted ways down the Brendam Branch.

The Tales of Brendam Docks

Neville was at the front so he could keep an eye out for others and Thomas was at the back to carry supplies. They were headed down the line towards Suddery when Neville applied his brakes, Thomas felt a jolt as they slowed to a stop.

 They were headed down the line towards Suddery when Neville applied his brakes, Thomas felt a jolt as they slowed to a stop

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There, laid in a pile of coal with debris all over, was our Old Iron, Edward. He was a bloody mess, with a gash on the left side of his face and blood all over the right side of his face. Thomas noticed a second mouth on Edward's right cheek. Edward didn't even notice the two engines roll in. He just looked down, in tears, however, Neville could tell there was a voice that wasn't Edward's. It turns out that the other mouth was able to speak. It was strange, but Thomas went to go find the Breakdown Crane, and Neville stayed to comfort the tired engine. An hour later Thomas returned and eventually got Edward back on the rails, Thomas's Fireman had a bandage to put on Edward to stop the bleeding. After that, the three engines headed down into Brendam Docks, soon after arrival at the Dockyard, an overwhelming smell of blood and suffering filled the air.

 After that, the three engines headed down into Brendam Docks, soon after arrival at the Dockyard, an overwhelming smell of blood and suffering filled the air

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They soon passed the corpses of Bill and Ben who were gutted and derailed, Ben had it the worst. Neville said that Ben's face seemed to have been torn completely off and had a gaping hole in the middle of his face. They reluctantly carried on further into the Docks, and eventually found Boco and Salty sitting in a siding, Salty looked tense and scared, his eyes were darting around the place. Eventually, he looked at the three engines, Thomas then described that there was fuel leaking from Salty. Neville noted that Salty's driver was trying to turn Salty on, and that's when it happened.  A small fire could be seen on top of Salty, one thing led to another and Salty was screaming in pain, Boco began to move forward out of the way before Salty was cut off by a large explosion, and within seconds Salty's entire body was in flames and dripping blood, mixed with oil. They quickly left soon after.

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