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the victory party

the victory party

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"YOUR SMILE IS so beautiful," August says as he leads Thana towards the stairs that will lead to the party in honour of her. "You look beautiful in this gorgeous satin yellow dress."

"Thank you, August," Thana looks down and smiles at the compliments.

"No, no, no," August says raising her chin, "no looking down, own your beauty."

With that, Thana links her arm with August's to ascends the stairs. He looks at the girl with a big smile and leads her through the top.

"Well, if it isn't Thana Jardin," Thana looks around to see Seneca Crane walk towards her, "you were amazing in the arena."

"Why thank you," Thana says smiling up to the man who made the hell hole where she lost who she was, "it was beautifully designed."

"That is incredibly kind of you to say," Seneca says kissing her hand, "I hope you have an amazing evening." With that the game maker disappears into the crowd that is closing in on the new victor.

"Now, now," the voice of Finnick makes people move a little further away from Thana. "Let's give this beautiful lady some space, yeah?"

"Thank you," Thana mouths to Finnick with thankful eyes as the man takes her towards the dance floor.

"You are very welcome," Finnick says, "but don't thank me yet. You never know what these people are up to. They puke on intent so they can eat more."

"That is disgusting," Thana says, and pulls are weird face to show her discomfort at that statement.

"It is only one of the disgusting things they do," Finnick says as he spins Thana, "I am sure Rohan will warn you about it once the president decides to invite you for a personal talk."

"Johanna already told me," Thana says looking up at the very desired victor, "she warned me about what he can ask of me."

"Well, I see her coming over here right now," Finnick twirls Thana one more time before leaving her in the care of Johanna.

"Already danced with Finnick," Johanna says, her eyes clouded, "did he take your breath away?"

"Hahaha," Thana laughs, "hahaha, absolutely not."

"His ego will be pained," Johanna laughs with Thana as she takes the girl towards the food.

"It is a miracle that man has such a big ego anyway, he can miss some of it." Thana looks at the girl besides her as she tilts her head ever so slightly while smiling.

"Now I get why Mags likes you as much as I do," Johanna muses, "you are sweet but lethal darling." At those words something moves inside of Thana, but she does not know what.

"Ladies and gentlemen," President Snow stands upon his balcony, "let's bring out a toast for this year's victor: Thana Jardin!" At that many people toast on Thana while fireworks go off and the president gives the girl a pointy look. But right now it is time to celebrate, so Thana moves her gaze to Johanna who sips on some champagne.

"Are you okay?" Johanna asks Thana with concerned eyes after she did see the interaction between the president and the most recent victor.

"Yeah, yeah," Thana mumbles, "just a little tired." In her left hand she holds on to the champagne glass she only took one sip off.

'"You are not going to drink this?" a drunken voice asks Thana.

"No, by all means take it Haymitch," Thana says, and the man doesn't hesitate to take her on her offer while Rohan sigh disapprovingly.

"The president wants to talk to you," Rohan voice is just above a mummer, and he takes Thana's hand to lead her towards the entrance of his mansion. "I cannot go inside with you, but I know Johanna has warned you. Be careful, okay?"

"I will be," Thana squeezes her mentor's hand, "but will you at least wait outside somewhere for me?"

"Of course," Rohan kisses Thana's temple and the girl disappears from his view.

"She will be okay," Haymitch tells his friend, "the Capitol is way too fond over her kindness to take that kind of advantage of her."

"It is awful that times have changed this drastically since we have won," Rohan mutters still concerned for the girl he has mentored for quite some time now.

"With Thana joined in the victor ranks of district 9, you will not be alone next year." Haymitch says, "we both know that Briar not coming along was the plan of the Capitol. Pearl and Lartius do need caring, but you simply could get any person from the district. It doesn't have to be a fellow victor."

"I know they never really liked Briar," Rohan looks around, "and now they will try to push her into the background even more, but I am not worried about her. I am worried about Thana."

"Ah, welcome Miss Jardin," President Snow invites the girl into his office, "Are you enjoying the festivities in honour of yourself?"

"I must thank you for organizing such an amazing and beautiful party," Thana says as she sits down opposite of the president.

"How are you in settling down after these games?" the man asks.

"It gets easier every day," Thana answer honestly, "I still find it very strange that I don't have to work anymore." The president looks at the girl in question. "You see, Mr. President, I like to keep busy and now with work gone I am not really sure how to spent all of my time yet."

"That is understandable, my girl," President Snow smiles tightly at the girl and for the first time since the girl has won, he realises why they all like her so much; she is kind. Thana is kind, she does not fake it, "know that the Capitol will try to help you in anyway it can make sure you can stay busy."

"I am not sure if I understand you, Mr. President." Thana's thoughts go in every doom scenario possible and panic comes up as her heartbeat speeds up.

"Oh, you know." The president takes a breathe, "for example, Beetee from district 3 is very technical and we offer him all sorts of materials. So if you for example choose to start painting, we will make sure that materials will be available for you, against the price that one of your beautiful artworks can replace this one behind me."

"That is so kind of you, President Snow," Thana smiles genuinely at the man as panic leaves her body. "I will most certainly let you know if I ever need materials."

"Well, then we are done here," President Snow gets up and Thana follows, "enjoy the rest of the party, Thana."

"I will," Thana smiles, "it was lovely to speak you, Mr. President."


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