1| Paying the middle woman

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I rested in Mickey's bed, feeling his mouth around my dick. As much as I hated to admit it, he wasn't getting me hard like he usually did.

"Sorry, Mick. It's just not working." I sighed, watching as the sheet that covered Mickey was lifted and pushed away.

"Is it me? Did I do something wrong?" Mickey asked, confused.

"Nope. It's the fact that your bedroom door isn't locked, which means any one of your siblings or your dad could walk in on you giving me a blowjob." I rolled my eyes, watching as Mickey sat on the bed, grabbing a porn magazine.

"So, does that mean that we'll start hanging out at your place?" He asked, confused.

"Maybe." I smiled, watching as Mickey flipped through his magazine.

"We really need help with our love life." Mickey rolled his eyes.

"And who are we gonna get help from? It's not like there's many gay guys around the South Side." I laughed, watching as Mandy opened the bedroom door.

"Hey fuckhead. You seen my hairbrush?" She hissed, glancing around.

"Fuck off Mandy. Why the fuck would your hairbrush be in here?" Mickey asked as Mandy rolled her eyes, slamming his bedroom door shut.

"We need Mandy's help." I spoke up, watching as Mickey looked at me, confused.

"The fuck?" Mickey chuckled.

"She's like...my only friend and she's your sister. I'm sure we can convince her to help us." I asked, watching as Mickey exhaled, rolling his eyes.

"Jesus Christ, fine. We'll ask Mandy for help." Mickey sat up, walking out of his room as I followed him. We walked to Mandy's room, watching as she polished her knives and put them away.

"Hey, Mandy. We need your help." Mickey knocked on her door.

"With what?" Mandy rolled her eyes.

"Mickey and I are trying to be in a relationship, but the fact that we're both closeted and the fact that we have family members who might not approve of us being together...it's difficult." I admitted, watching as Mickey tried not to seem uncomfortable.

"And why do you need my help?" Mandy smirked.

"We need someone who can tell us when it's safe to act romantic toward each other." Mickey added.

"I think I have a better idea." Mandy smirked more, confusing Mickey, who almost looked like he regretted asking Mandy for help.

"Ian, kiss me, like you would kiss Mickey." Mandy spoke, smiling. My face dropped, but she leaned in to kiss me.

Without warning, her lips ended up on mine, and to prevent nearly puking, I pretended like I was kissing Mickey.

Out of nowhere, Mickey went silent.

"Mandy! Jesus Christ! If you're gonna kiss your boyfriend, then at least have your door closed!" Terry hissed. I pulled away, shocked by what had just occurred. Terry shut the bedroom door, leaving Mickey, Mandy and I in Mandy's bedroom.

"What the fuck just happened?" Mickey asked, confused.

"My better idea." Mandy smirked again.

"I kinda get it..." I smiled.

"Kinda get what? Why the fuck did Mandy just fucking kiss you?" Mickey asked, trying not to be jealous.

"Mandy thinks that her and I should pretend to date so that you and I can still be a couple behind closed doors." I smiled, agreeing with Mandy.

"Huh?" Mickey was still confused.

"Listen up, dickwad. If Ian and I pretend to date, everyone is less likely to know that it's really you and him making out in your bedroom every time Ian comes over. Everyone will think that you have a girlfriend, everyone will think that I have a boyfriend. It's a win-win situation." Mandy smirked.

"Oh, cool!" Mickey finally understood the plan.

"$50." Mandy spoke.

"What?" Mickey looked at her confused.

"$50 a month." Mandy added.

"What the fuck?! Why?" Mickey asked, confused.

"Give me $50 a month, and I'll be happy to keep your secret." Mandy held her hand out.

"C'mon, Ian. Let's pay up." Mickey rolled his eyes.

"Not Ian. Just you." Mandy grinned.

"The fuck?! Why just me?" Mickey backed away, shocked.

"Ian is my friend. You are my brother. I like Ian more. So $50, or no help from me." Mandy held out her hand.

"No fuckin' way." Mickey scoffed.

"Fine. $100." Mandy raised her price.

"Jesus Christ! Fine! I'll give you $50 a month." Mickey finally gave in, reaching for his wallet in his pants. He pulled out $50 and hesitantly put the money in her hand.

"Happy now?" Mickey hissed, seeing a smile on Mandy's face.

"Very." Mandy smirked.

Just as Mickey put his wallet away, Terry opened the door.

"Hey Mandy. Your boyfriend staying for dinner?" Terry looked between me and Mandy.

"Do you wanna stay for dinner, babe?" Mandy held my hand. I tried my best to look like I wasn't extremely uncomfortable.

"S- Sure." I managed to speak slightly.

"No worries. Hope you like steak." Terry chuckled before closing the door.

"Maybe Terry will like you more now that you're dating me." Mandy joked, nudging me.

"Don't go too overboard with this! He's my boyfriend. Not yours." Mickey quietly hissed.

"Did Mickey Milkovich just call me his boyfriend?" I asked, flattered.

"Yes. Yes I did. Shut the fuck up or I'll rip your tongue out." Mickey glared at me with a slight smile on his face.

"I love you too." I smirked, placing a gentle and quick kiss on Mickey's cheek.

The Secret Between Us//GallavichWhere stories live. Discover now