29| Freeing Mandy

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The process for getting Ian released was long and painful. We had to sit in front of a few government officials and discuss Ian's medical history. Eventually, he was released into my care. Taking Ian home, I smiled every time I saw Ian's engagement ring on his finger. The fact that he was my fiancé, it was insane. I kept pinching myself to make sure that I wasn't dreaming.

As we sat on the couch, Ian rested his head, looking exhausted.

"You're home now. Safe and sound." I placed a kiss on his lips as I sat down beside him, watching as he sighed.

"Now would be a good time to start our wedding planning?" I looked at Ian.

"That sounds relaxing..." Ian smiled, sitting up.

As we were about to get onto my laptop and start wedding research, we heard someone or something banging on the front door. Confused, we stood up, walking cautiously toward the door. Opening it, we both gasped in shock as we saw Mandy kneeling on the floor, her arms wrapped around herself, clearly trying to keep herself warm.

Getting her inside, we sat her down near the fireplace, getting a fire started as Ian inspected her face. Her right eye was swollen, blood covering it. She had an open wound just above her eyebrow and a huge cut on her cheek. Both her arms and legs were badly bruised.

Neither of us had ever seen Mandy so broken. Sure, when we saw her a few times with bruises or cuts, we knew that maybe she had accidentally bumped into a wall or was slicing something too fast. But now that Mandy was back with Kenyatta, seeing her like this was horrible.

"Holy shit, Mands." I inspected her body, feeling absolutely devastated. There were at least 10-15 bruises on each leg, easy. She had grazes on her elbows, and cuts on her arms. Her fingers were purple and black. She was clearly unable to move her fingers without being in a lot of pain.

She cracked a smile when she noticed that Ian was wearing his engagement ring.

"Yeah. You're gonna have a Gallagher for a brother." I smiled placing my arms gently around her, as to avoid causing more pain.

"About fuckin' time." She rolled her eyes, sighing.

"D- Did he do this to you?" Ian sat down beside her, handing her a glass of water.

"He s- saw my phone. He s- saw the messages and got angry." Mandy stuttered, her hand going to her lip, which had been split, most likely by a punch.

"And by messages, you mean messages from the escort agency?" I asked, watching as Mandy nodded.

"I explained the extra cash...but he didn't listen. He just- He yelled and he hit me." Mandy cried.

"Shit, he must have hit you pretty hard." I looked at the bruises forming on her face.

"He hit me once, promised that he wouldn't hit me again, but then he got even angrier when I tried to walk off and relax, so he kept g- going." Mandy tried not to cry more.

"We need to end him. We need to kill him once and for all." I shook my head, pacing.

"How? I mean, he's a pretty built dude." Ian rolled his eyes.

"I'll get in contact with Iggy and Colin. I'm sure they'd help take the bastard down." I smirked, grabbing my phone.

"Guys, can our revenge plan for Kenyatta wait? I'm sure you'd both like to get some wedding planning done." Mandy requested.

"Sure." Ian smiled.

Ian guided Mandy to the guest bedroom, leaving her to get herself into some warmer clothes.

"Mickey, as much as I'd love having Mandy here, she can't stay here. Kenyatta might attempt to find her." Ian worried.

"Well, the Milkovich house is out of the question, considering he and Mandy spent half their relationship there." I groaned.

"How about the Gallagher house? I'm sure Lip would be fine with letting Mandy stay with him?" Ian asked.

"Sure." I shrugged my shoulders.

I watched as Ian called Lip and enquired about Mandy staying with him. Ian's face lit up in happiness. After while, the call ended.

"Lip says that he's happy to let Mandy stay there." I smiled at Ian's reveal.

"I'll let Mandy know tomorrow. I want her to get a decent night's sleep." I smiled.

"How are we actually going to kill Kenyatta though?" Ian asked, confused.

"4 against one shouldn't be so hard." I smirked, sitting down on the couch, Ian sitting next to me.

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