23| Final argument

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Watching Mickey discuss plans with Romero, Julius and Quinn, it gave me a swift reminder of Mickey's past and who he used to associate with.

I watched as Romero polished one of his many guns, Julius typed away at his phone and Quinn intently listened to Mickey rant about how much he hated his dad.

"We bought beer!" A smile appeared on my face when Kev and V opened the front door, at least 3 shopping bags full of beer in their hands.

"What the fuck?!" Kev gasped as Romero, Julius and Quinn brandished their guns, aiming them at Kev and V.

"Hey, hey, hey! They're friends. They hate Terry as much as we do!" I stood up, standing in front of them, watching as the three men put their guns away.

"Since when did Moe, Curly and Larry live with us?" Frank laughed as he walked down the stairs, looking at the three men.

"You can shoot him if you'd like. No one really likes him." Mickey laughed, watching as the men aimed their guns at Frank.

"No! As much as I would love to, we are not shooting Frank!" Fiona objected, slapping Mickey.

"Hey, Mickey. Once you're done directing the Suicide Squad, why don't you come over here and help Fiona look into cheaper properties?" Lip asked as Mickey rolled his eyes.

"Wait, what? I thought that the whole reason we teamed up with Huey, Dewey and Louie was to kill Terry so we wouldn't have to move?!" Debbie exclaimed as she came out of the bathroom, half of her hair in braids.

"No one said anything about killin' Terry. They're here for protection, and in the meantime, unless we come up with a sensible plan to end Terry's torment, moving is our next best option." Mandy rolled her eyes.

"Fuck. Since when did Gallaghers just give up? I mean, many of us have gone to jail, we've pulled off so many scams on people who are probably more dangerous than Terry and did we give up? Fuck no. We kept going, 'cause this is our home. This is no different. Terry has scared you all and now you're just giving up." Carl hissed.

"Listen here, shit-for-brains. Mandy and I grew up with the cunt. We grew up with being pistol-whipped every time we disobeyed him, family members in and out of jail, drug runs, robberies, scams, illegal business deals, buying and selling stolen guns. We're better off moving as far away from the South Side as possible, and maybe one day, when Terry is dead, then we can move back." Mickey explained. Listening to how shit his childhood was, I couldn't help but feel grateful for having Frank as a father.

"Terry fuckin' wins again, like he always does." Mandy sighed.

"You two are fucked." Frank smirked, grabbing a beer from the pile of beers that Kev and V had brought.

"Jesus Christ. Do you remember when we were kids? We'd go trick-or-treating. As soon as we got home, who took all the candy?" Mickey asked, looking at Mandy, who sat next to Fiona, who was shocked.

"Dad." She looked away, trying to hold back tears.

"Before mom ran out, when she still could buy us Christmas presents, who opened everything up, took what he wanted, and pawned the rest?" Mickey asked again.

"Dad." Mandy barely spoke, clearly upset from remembering all of the shitty memories she and Mickey shared.

"Who- Who handed us over to Family Services for a year so he could run drugs for the Sinola cartel?" Mickey asked one final time.

"Dad." Mandy ran upstairs, clearly trying to avoid anyone seeing her cry.

"If we stay here, we're all dead." Mickey hissed, sitting down. I sat down beside Mickey, intertwining my hand with his. He smiled at me, leaning his head on my shoulder.

"The son of a bitch is never gonna let us be happy." Mickey sighed, closing his eyes.

"Fuckin' hell, you're a drama queen." Carl laughed, grabbing himself a beer.

"I'm not a fucking drama queen. I'm just tellin' the truth." Mickey hissed.

"You are a little bit of a drama queen, Mick." I smiled, Mickey hitting me.

"Fuck off. We can either kill Terry, which I think would benefit every single person in this house, or we can move. Or both, I don't care." Mickey looked at everyone, shrugging his shoulders.

"I say we should kill Terry and stay here." Debbie smiled.

"And I say we should remain living and move far away from this shithole." Lip rolled his eyes.

"Jesus Christ." Fiona rolled her eyes, heading upstairs.

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