17| Care for each other

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Mickey had been tossing and turning all night. He'd lay on his back before turning to face the bedroom door, considering he wasn't allowed to lay on his left arm (due to the stitches). Every now and again, Mickey would sit up, look at the room around him and then lay back down again, angrily sighing. He loved rolling onto his side, which allowed him to look at Ian while he slept. As much as he enjoyed being the little spoon while they slept, all he wanted to do was to face the wall that rested on his left side.

He disliked watching night after night as Lip would slowly walk to the bathroom from his bedroom, his pants and/or boxers hanging low, or Carl hurting himself as he stupidly jumped down from his bed, stumbling out of the room.

The only good thing about only being able to lay on his right side was watching as Frank would try to open all the bedroom doors, only to discover that they were locked. Mickey often had the pleasure of flipping Frank off before slamming the door shut in his face.

The mornings weren't any better. Fiona had bought home two trays that rested on top of each other, like a bunk-bed. The top tray held all of Ian's medications, for easy access. The bottom tray held some pain meds for Mickey's arm, as well as another type of medication that would decrease the risk of infection. Every morning, Mickey would stand up, grabbing one of each medication for Ian, handing them to him as well as a Gatorade bottle. Mickey loved doing this, as he was in charge of making sure that Ian would take his meds. Fiona trusted Mickey not to lie to her.

Mickey had been waking me up a certain way every morning. He'd get below the sheets and suck my dick for about 10 minutes before we got on with our day. He said that him sucking my dick was my reward for being good with taking my meds.

"It's not working. Sorry, man. Fucking meds." I groaned, Mickey pulling himself out from under the sheets.

"Yeah. It could also be the toddler staring at us from the corner or the jacked-up psycho kid that sleeps a few feet away." Mickey rolled his eyes, standing up.

"Whatever. Try again later, man." I sighed, hating how our usual morning fun was ruined.

"All right, breakfast of champs. We got your mood stabilizer, anti-psychotic, anti-depressant. Gatorade." Mickey smiled as he got the meds from the top tray, placing them in my hands.

"You're my fucking nurse now?" I groaned, looking up at Mickey who was clearly in pain and needed his own meds.

"No, but I am your boyfriend, so shut the fuck up and take the pills, bitch." He kissed my head, watching as I took my pills.

Before he could get his own pills, I pulled him onto the bed and forced him to sit where I just was.

"The fuck?" He questioned, confused.

"Here's your pain meds and your anti-inflammatory meds." I smiled, doing the same thing he did to me.

"Ian, c'mon. You're not my fuckin' nurse." Mickey rolled his eyes.

"No, but I am your boyfriend, so do me a favour and take the pills, please?" I smiled, acting way nicer than Mickey was.

"Jesus Christ." Mickey exhaled before taking his meds. We both headed downstairs after 15 minutes, seeing as we needed to replace the bandage that was protecting his stitches.

"Hey, no caffeine on your meds." Mickey took the coffee pot out of my hands, placing it back in it's position.

I hadn't had coffee in a while, considering it fucked my meds up. Mickey rolled his eyes as I poured myself a cup of coffee.

"Hey. How are you feeling?" Fiona asked as she and Debbie walked downstairs.

"Not feeling." I admitted, taking a sip of my coffee. Mickey attempted to take it away from me, but I glared at him.

"That's an improvement. At least you're not swinging a switchblade at us." Debbie smiled.

"Stinks in here." Carl gagged.

"Yeah, that's 'cause the milk went bad." Mickey groaned as he poured chunky milk into the sink, trying to avoid breathing through his nose.

"Nobody put it away?" Debbie asked, watching as Fiona sighed.

"We've been a bit preoccupied." Fiona gestured to me, smiling. I rolled my eyes, watching as Mickey placed something weird in front of me. I ignored it, not interested in eating anything.

"What's up with the water faucet?" Carl asked, trying to get himself a glass of water.

"Guess nobody paid the water bill." Fiona sighed, looking at the calendar.

"But I took a shower this morning." Debbie looked around, confused.

"Lucky you. They must have just shut it off." Lip rolled his eyes as he walked downstairs, clearly having lacked a lot of sleep.

"Nobody made breakfast?" Debbie exclaimed, upset.

"What's it look like?" Mickey looked at Debbie in shock before gesturing for me to eat what was on the plate. I ignored it again.

"What about groceries? When is the last time anyone went shopping?" Carl questioned, looking at Fiona and lip, who both shrugged their shoulders.

"Like I said earlier, we've been a bit preoccupied." Fiona raised her eyebrows in annoyance.

"Ian. C'mon, eat it." Mickey pushed the plate toward me.

"I'm not eating that." I looked down at the food, still not at all interested in eating it.

"Eat it. You take all those pills on an empty stomach and you're going to have diarrhoea real bad." Mickey insisted as I rolled my eyes, hesitantly placing the food in my mouth before swallowing it.

"I gotta poop." I groaned.

"Jesus Christ." Mickey sighed, watching as I went to the bathroom.

As much as I hated to admit it, Ian was a trainwreck. He really didn't understand what he could and couldn't have while on his meds. Alcohol and coffee were two things that Ian wasn't allowed to consume, as he was on lithium and both drinks would make his blood toxic, although, coffee wouldn't get Ian drunk after just one cup, unlike beer. I knew that taking care of Ian was going to be a challenge, most likely not just for me, but for the entire Gallagher family, not including Frank or Monica. I knew that the only option was to take one day on at a time. I wouldn't focus on anything in the future.

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