30| Enacting revenge

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Mickey had hired a few people to be on the look out for Kenyatta. Their jobs were to protect Mandy. When Mickey discovered from one of his hired informants that Kenyatta had attempted to find Mandy, he went insane.

"The bastard just had to try and find her, didn't he?" Mickey hissed as he went throughout the house, searching for weapons.

"Mickey, babe, it's the night before we get married. I don't want you sustaining any injuries that can't be covered up." I held Mickey back.

"One last time? I mean, we might not ever get the chance to rough someone up." Mickey almost begged, placing his hand on my dick.

"Sure, but I'm not allowing you to shoot anyone. We don't want any bullet wounds." I smiled.

"So I can't shoot, but you can? How's that fair, Firecrotch?" Mickey laughed.

"When have I ever shot someone?" I reminded him.

"Fine. But, how are we supposed to get to Kenyatta, let alone find him?" Mickey questioned.

"I'll lure him." Mandy shut the back door, holding a few cases of beer.

"No way. No fuckin' way!" Mickey shook his head.

"Mickey, if we use Mandy, we're more likely to find Kenyatta." I sighed.

"Whatever." Mickey rolled his eyes as Mandy grabbed her phone, dialling Kenyatta's number.

She held the phone to her ear, hearing his voice as he yelled and demanded to see her. She said a few things before the call ended.

"This is my pre-wedding gift. The chance to kill Kenyatta." Mandy smirked.

"Thanks. Best gift I've ever gotten." Mickey smirked.

"Okay, we've got 12 hours until the wedding." I sighed.

"Plenty of time." Mickey smirked as he grabbed a few more weapons.


Mickey and I waited behind our car, watching as Mandy stood near the edge of the docks, her arms crossed.

"I don't like this. I don't fuckin' like the idea of using my sister, the only Milkovich I like, as bait." Mickey sat down on the concrete, sighing.

"As soon as Kenyatta shows up, we can get Mandy to a safe place. Lip is on his way." I admitted.

"You called Lip?!" Mickey almost freaked out.

"Look, we can't get Mandy to safety if we're getting rid of Kenyatta." I rolled my eyes.

"Fine." Mickey sighed, watching as Mandy looked to her left, not looking away.

"Shh. Bastard is here." Mickey pointed to Mandy, who looked panicked.

I heard someone rustling in the bushes. I smiled when I saw Lip.

"I see Mandy has given you her pre-wedding gift." Lip smirked as Mickey and I walked around so that we ended up behind Kenyatta.

Before long, Mickey had a gun held to Kenyatta's head after he punched both me and Mickey at least 10 times. I could see a small cut above Mickey's eyebrow, frowning at the thought of finding a way to cover it for the wedding.

"You messed with the wrong girl..." Mickey said before pulling the trigger, putting a bullet through Kenyatta's head.

"I'll have Iggy and Colin come and dispose of him later. For now, I gotta get my beauty sleep. We gotta big day tomorrow." Mickey smiled as he placed a kiss on my cheek before taking us home.


"Are we gonna get normal jobs after we get married?" I asked, confused. I got into bed, a loose pair of boxers on my body.

"You serious?" Mickey laughed as he got into bed with me.

"Yes, Mick. I'm serious. Our jobs over the years have been less than good. I mean, you being a security guard at Kash and Grab? Since then you've been in and out of prison." I laughed, rolling over to face Mickey.

"What about you, huh? Working at Kash and Grab, being a dancer at the Fairy Tail, goin' to the Army. Your history with jobs hasn't been so good either." Mickey reminded me.

"We're definitely going to need help finding jobs. Maybe Fiona has a connection somewhere, considering she's had like...8 jobs." Mickey smirked.

"That actually doesn't sound like a bad idea." I smiled, considering Mickey's suggestion.

"Jesus Christ Firecrotch. I was joking!" Mickey laughed as he straddled me, placing a long and passionate kiss on my lips.

"C'mon, Mickey. You know I don't joke around when it comes to work, hence the EMT books strewn around the house." I reminded Mickey, who just kept kissing down my body until his lips were around my dick.

"Shit..." I groaned, my dick getting harder by the minute.

"This is my pre-wedding gift to you. The best night of your fuckin' life." Mickey smiled as he kept sucking my now rock hard dick.

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