19| Nearly ruined

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The night following the accident, I didn't leave Ian's side. Even when every member of the Gallagher family urged me to leave, I didn't.

I had known for years now that Ian had changed me. If I was still the Mickey from years ago, I wouldn't have hesitated to kill Ian myself, but the fact that I currently laid on bed next to him, happily watching as he slept, I had definitely changed, no doubt about it.

Before Terry found out, hell, even before Fiona found out, I would have left Ian alone and headed home before anyone noticed that I was even in the house, but now? Carl had walked into the room, placing a kiss on Ian's face. He smiled at Ian, who wasn't even awake.

"Night Ian." Carl whispered. I watched as he climbed onto the top bunk of the bunk-bed.

"Night Mick." This was weird for me. No one - in all of my years of life - had ever said goodnight to me.

"Night kid." I replied, feeling weird. Was there a possibility that the Gallaghers considered me a part of their family? I mean, I guess I was probably Ian's first long time partner.

When I woke up before Ian, I was greeted to Liam standing at the edge of the bed, smiling.

"You right?" I asked, confused.

"Breakfast is ready." Liam smiled before running out of the room.

Letting Ian sleep in, I worried as I walked downstairs. Nowadays, my mind always went back to Ian.

"Morning Mick. Ian still asleep?" Fiona asked as I joined Lip, Debbie, Carl and Liam at the table while Fiona poured some batter into the frying pan.

"Yeah. He slept a lot last night. My only worry is he won't get up." I sighed, letting Debbie place a cup of coffee in front of me.

"He's on his meds, Mick. He'll get up. I'm sure of it." Fiona smiled.

"Compared to Ian, I barely got 2 hours worth of sleep. I kept tossing and turning, constantly worrying that the accident would put Ian in a dark place. I mean, he was off his meds for 4 months, Fiona. 4 fuckin' months! And why? 'cause he was having meds shoved down his throat." I scoffed.

"We should be worrying about Liam. He's the one who shot Terry. Although he did a good thing, he might not see it that way." Carl smiled.

"The kid is barely 5 years old." I rolled my eyes.

"Mickey, calm the fuck down." Fiona placed some breakfast in front of me.

"I can't, Fiona! Because of what Mandy- Because of what she said, Terry tried to kill me and Ian. He came to this house and intended to commit a double homicide. He nearly ruined Ian, permanently. Ian may still be alive, but so is Terry. Last time I checked, Liam shot his neck. The motherfucker is still breathing, but paralysed. Who knows if his paralysis will last? If it doesn't, every single person in this house will be fucked." I explained, knowing how dangerous Terry could be, with or without paralysis.

"I mean, if I were you, I'd pack up and move to a whole different state. You Gallaghers stay here in Chicago? You're all dead." I warned.

"We ain't moving. It's gonna take a lot more than some racist homophobe to send us packing." Lip smirked.

"Fine, your funerals." I rolled my eyes.

"That would mean that you'd have to move too. I mean, he wanted to kill you as well as Ian. Considering he's still alive, you're on his hit list." Fiona mentioned.

"I'm a Milkovich. I can figure out how to deal with that." I laughed.

"So, if we were to move- hypothetically- would you come with us? Mandy as well?" Fiona looked at me with a serious face. I almost spat out my coffee.

"The fuck? Live in this madhouse of a family? Hahaha. Fuck no." I laughed.

"What if Ian asked you to?" Fiona sat down.

"What? You think that I'd move to a different fuckin' state for Ian? I mean, I love the guy, but that's a bit extreme." I sipped my coffee.

"That's exactly my point. You love Ian. You paid Mandy to help keep your relationship with Ian a secret. I don't even remember the last time you didn't stay here." Fiona smiled.

"I-" I had no words. If I'd move to a different state to avoid my father, it wouldn't be totally bad moving with Ian and the rest of the family.

"Don't forget about the time you went to the gayest of gay bars to find Ian before the MPs did." Debbie blurted out, Fiona dropping her fork.

"The fuck? MPs?!" Fiona looked at all of us, shocked.

"Oops." Debbie covered her mouth, realising what she had just said.

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