Chapter 1

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2 months later-

Alonzo was looking at the girl displayed on his computer screen as his eyes roamed over all of the information his guys could find.

Name- Katrina Stewart


Occupation- waitress at Olive Garden

Residence- Orlando, FL

Occasionally he would cringe at how old she was. Twenty fucking years old, he was eight years her senior. She's a damn child for Christ sake, but oh, how she didn't feel like a child when he'd pushed himself so deeply inside of her.

He remembered how she clawed at his back, begging him to go a little deeper. He should've stopped when he felt her tense up when he surged into her tight passageway; she was a virgin. Mio Dio he should've stopped, but she latched on to him as if he would disappear. She wanted to continue, she wanted him; he could see it in her eyes.

Once he thrust into her for the second time he knew, he just knew he couldn't stop.

When he'd woken up the next morning his bed was empty, she was gone. She had left a note addressed to him on the nightstand.

Had A Great Time, Thanks Katrina!

He'd chuckled to himself at the time; he couldn't be upset that she had the common sense to be gone when he woke up.

Thinking back on the moment, he banged his fist against his cherry wood desk. Why was his conscious showing up now? He hadn't heard from it in years. In this kind of business, you couldn't have a conscious, or in the end, you couldn't pull the trigger if it came down to it; in his line of work and with his family’s background, he had pulled the trigger before without hesitation.

Something kept clawing at his brain this past month and this something wasn't good; so he gave his team the task to find her. He glanced up from his laptop when he heard a knock on his office door. He frowned he wasn’t expecting anyone.

"Come in" he said

He watched as his secretary Laura walked in with a little more sway to her hips then necessary. She gave him a ridiculously big smile and in return, he gave her a cold glare. The woman was persistent, he could give her that, but she wouldn't take the hint that he was not interested; if she wasn't good at her job and wasn't a family friend, he would fire her on the spot.

Once she realized that his stare was still blank she spoke.

"Gabe and Sam are here to see you, sir"

He gave her a curt nod, a signal for her to allow them entry. As they entered, he noticed his best friend and right hand man. Gabe had a smirk on his face, but Sam, his information specialist, wouldn't look at him.

They sat down in front of him and he watched as beads of sweat formed on Sam's forehead. His eyes narrowed on the two men. Sam seemed nervous and Gabe looked cocky. He sat back in his chair and nodded at Sam to tell him what he didn't know.

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