Chapter 6

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Alonzo felt her go slack in his arms as he called her name repeatedly yet he received no answer. With every bullet that tried to penetrate his defenses, his core hardened. Fresh off the plane and people already wanted to go to war. Bene se volevano una guerra, allora una guerra gli avrebbe dato (Well they wanted war, then a war he would give them).

He vaguely heard Gabe shouting out commands to have the mansion doors opened. They had to be getting close to the main house; although the SUV was still speeding down the road, he couldn't hear any more gunshots. It was a good thing that he got the bulletproof windows installed, when business started to get rough a couple of months ago; or this situation would've went a lot differently.

He grounded his teeth together, thinking of how instead of being passed out; she could be limp in his arms because she was dead. Hell, they could all be dead. He pressed her small frame against his large one and clutched her tightly. He placed his large hand over her chest and concentrated on her slowly beating heart. He felt the SUV come to a screeching stop and he could hear demands shouted out around him. He sat up with Katrina in his arms, her back against his chest.

He felt a rough breeze on his face as the SUV door was forced opened and he looked around him for the first time. His face became as hard as stone when he looked at the many bullet holes, some had come so close to breaking the glass. He looked further ahead of him and stared at his other wounded SUVs; his had received the worst damage. Whoever did this knew he was in the middle SUV and targeted his specifically, he knew the day would come, he just didn't know it would come so soon.

 He felt someone trying to tug Katrina out of his grasp.

 "Don't fucking touch her!" he barked. He looked with a cold glare in the doctor's eyes and he stepped back; the same man that delivered him and would most likely deliver his child. His child, during all the chaos he had completely forgotten about his baby; he was more worried about Katrina and planning revenge.

 "Mr. Riccardi I need to check her and make sure she is ok." He spoke in a subdued voice.

 How could someone who had known him his whole life be afraid of him?

"I'll bring her inside." He said while looking in the doctor's eyes, he watched as the man moved out of his way.

 He loosened his grip on Katrina for a second so that he could turn her around in his arms. He sat her on his lap so that he could place one of his arms around her back and the other under her legs. He looked at his fiancé's pale face and clenched his fist.

 Her usually lush pink lips were pale and slightly opened as they allowed shallow breaths to escape them. Her silky brown mane had fallen and tendrils of it stuck to the blood on her forehead. He started to breathe out of his nose because he had his teeth clenched so tightly that oxygen couldn't squeeze through them. He looked at the blood at the corner of her forehead, and then followed the blood trail that went down the side of her face, down her delicate neck, and stopped where her dress and collarbone met.

 Her head bent back so that he could see her trachea through her pale skin. He shifted her so that her head laid on his chest, not caring that the blood would stain his white dress shirt. He got out of the SUV with her in his arms. His feet hit the pavement and it dawned on him that his core was as hard as the pavement underneath him.

 As he walked towards the house, he became aware of the many people looking at him with shocked faces; his mom and sister-in-law looked at him with wide eyes while his brother had a curious but cautious look on his face and his father's was unreadable. When he was younger he was afraid of that look, but no more; he couldn't be afraid of something that he had mastered so well himself.

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