Chapter 20

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She made her way up the short brick staircase that led her to the front door of her father's beautiful Siena home. She tossed her keys to one of her father's many guards and took a deep breath as the doors opened up and she stepped inside. It's not like she didn't know how the inside of this house looked, but she took her time to appreciate the decor. She had to get the beat of her heart under control before she faced her father. He could notice the smallest gestures and the change of her appearance or the way she acted. He had eyes like a hawk, even at his old age, he would be able to tell if something was off.

Even though the outside of the home had the medieval brick Italian build, the inside of her father's home screamed France. She walked lazily in the direction of the sitting room or as her father would say 'palor', which is where she heard the silky baritone of her father's voice. She stopped and stared at one of the pictures on the wall. A picture of her sister and she when they were much younger. They had their arms wrapped around each other's shoulders and smiled brightly. Although her sister was older than her by a few years, they stood at the same height back then, until she surpassed her by a foot or two. Noelle FitzJohn was the sister she had always cherished and loved, but as they grew older and Noelle became Mrs. Noelle Defoe, she had truly become a foe in her eyes. A foe who made her grow up and her heart grow cold.

She turned her back to the picture, just as her sister had turned her back on her all those years ago. She picked up her pace as her heart beat settled. Years of training and the only person that put some form of fear in her heart was still her father. The fact that she had betrayed him once again made her steps falter, but what was done was done. She would deal with the consequences, whatever they were, she was no longer a child, and definitely not her father's little girl.

She stood in the entryway to the sitting room and watched as her father sat in his king sized chair and spoke with Marcello. She could tell by his furrowed eyebrows and thin lips that he was extremely upset. She didn't have to guess what it was about. An air of regency and nobility remained permanently around her father. They way he spoke, dressed, and carried himself, remained her of the noble blood that ran in their veins. Even though those days were long over, her father wouldn't let her forget their lineage. The only person that could bring her father down from his title and act as unroyal as possible was she.

His cold brown eyes turned on her and with it came all of his hate and frustration. Her father, Serge FitzJohn the fourth, beckoned her closer. He did not to try to cover up his animosity with any endearments, just a quick flick of his hand.

"Nadine." Marcello said her name in greeting, but she didn't even spare him a glance to acknowledge him. He was lucky she didn't grab his cane and show him what years of training could do. His day was coming and not even Alonzo Riccardi would have the pleasure to kill him. He was all hers.

"You're late." Was how her father greeted her. His accent heavy, it was not hard to guess that English wasn't his first language.

"Désolée je suis en retard." She replied.

"In English, so that or guest understands you." Her father stated.

"Sorry, I am late." She replied in correction. Marcello was no guest to her.

"Where have you been?" he questioned.

She would not waste her time lying. It was no use. Her father had a tendency to ask questions that he already had the answer to. Instead of asking the question 'why are you late?' he chose to ask 'where have you been?' so she would not waste their time.

His eyes bore into her. He stood with grace and from her peripheral she saw Marcello smirk. She didn't have the time to retaliate she only had the time to firmly plant her feet on the ground as her father approached her. She watched him warily behind her shades as she assessed him. Even though he had aged, his copper brown hair showed little signs and his build proved that he kept himself in shape. She admired him in a way.

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