chapter 14

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 Katrina woke up in a haze; she blinked to clear her vision. For a minute or so, she stared at the canopy over the bed. The day's events came rushing back to her, and as she started to get up, she was struck by a painful cramp in her stomach. She instinctively placed her hand on her stomach and rubbed circles to try to soothe her baby.

"Hello baby are you ok in there? You're giving mommy a real scare." She said as she continued to try to soothe her baby.

 Another painful cramp hit her so hard she had to gasp for air. She clenched her teeth together as sweat began to form on her brow. The pain felt like a barbed wire was tightening around her abdomen. For every breath she took, the tightening feeling grew worse. Tears welled up in her eyes and she clutched at her dress.

"Ok baby, you're really scaring mommy now. How about we go see Cousin Maria?" no sooner had the words had left her mouth when there was a knock at the door.

 "Come in" she managed to say through clenched teeth.

 A man dressed in all black walked in and not far behind him, a woman entered carrying a food tray.

 "My husband, where is he?" she asked the man, whose name she didn't know.

"He's out doing business Mrs. Riccardi" he answered politely but with a hint of concern in his voice.

 Katrina's hands started to shake; this made it difficult for her to get out of the bed. Where was Alonzo when she needed him, when they needed him?

"My doctor, Maria, where is she?" she said as she made it out of the bed, still clutching the front of her dress. She leaned on the mattress to support herself; her trembling legs could barely keep her up.

 "She's in the nursery wing that was set up for her... Mrs. Riccardi, are you all right? This food was brought up for you." He said while studying her. He took a step towards her, his dark brown eyes filled with concern.

The aroma of the food finally hit her and she couldn't control what happen next. She immediately became light headed and her cramps worsened. Her stomach constricted and she doubled over in pain as she started to dry heave. Someone was immediately by her side, holding on to her before her body completely gave up and she hit the floor. She couldn't hear much of what the person was saying; she was more concerned with getting air into her lungs and making sure her baby was all right.

 The hands holding on to her arms were strong and she thanked God for that because she needed all the support she could get. Another excruciating pain tightened across her abdomen, she screamed out in pain, arched her back and tried to pull herself into a ball.

"What the hell is going on?" she heard, then there was a lot of commotion and no longer was a stranger supporting her; her husband had appeared. He gently lifted her chin up with his finger, searching her eyes with so much apparent concern in his own. She tried to speak but the pain was unbearable.

 "Rico what's wrong with my wife?" he said while never taking his eyes away from her.

"I'm not sure boss. I came in to bring the food and she was in pain. She asked for the doctor before she fell."

Alonzo placed one arm around her back the other underneath her knees and lifted her into his warm embrace. She clutched at his shirt with both hands and clenched her teeth together when another cramp gripped her stomach.

"The baby" she screamed "there's something wrong with the baby."

Alonzo spun around so fast that it made her head spin. He headed out the bedroom door and down the stairs. With every step he took, she winced, but she tried her best to hide it from him. He was frantic; she could tell by the way that he tried to take the steps one at a time, the way sweat formed at his temples, and how his grey eyes widened every time she gasped for air.

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