Chapter 5

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"Ri" the young girl called as she ran towards her big sister. She jumped in the bigger girls arms who began to twirl her around.

Setting her firmly on the ground, Ri said, "Mariah" while hugging the little girl close to her. "What are you doing out here? You know mama will be mad." She said scowling at the little girl.

Mariah cast her head down to the ground and twiddled her little fingers. Her young mind became fascinated with the little daisies in the green grass and she forgot that her sister had asked her a question.

"MARIAH" her mother called

She was afraid of her mother; she wasn't very nice to her all the time. Mariah looked at her sister with wide eyes.

"Go Mariah go, before mama finds you." The older girl said while pushing her back towards the house.

Mariah started to run towards the house as fast as she could "I Love you Ri" she yelled over her shoulder, before she disappeared into the big house.


Katrina woke up wrapped in Alonzo's arms. Why was she having these weird dreams; and again she couldn't see their faces. It was as if she were seeing everything in Mariah's eyes, which wasn't very useful because all the faces were still blurry. It all seemed so real. Whoever this Mariah was in her dreams, was a little girl; she couldn't be any older than five years old. She hadn't had dreams like this until Alonzo showed up at her apartment.

Thinking about Alonzo made her think of the situation in which she found herself. She was about to marry Alonzo Riccardi, billionaire, entrepreneur and the father of her child; if someone would have told her two months ago that this would happen, she would've kept her legs closed. She was going to be a mother. In a time like this, she wished she had her mother. Oh God what was she going to do when their baby was born.

Speaking of their baby made her think of her body and she realized she really had to use the bathroom. She carefully moved Alonzo's hand from around her waist and cautiously slid out of bed. She saw a door to her left and she figured that it was the bathroom. She walked towards the door and opened it and sure enough, it was.

She used the bathroom and washed her hands. She walked out to see that Alonzo had turned over to his back. There was a small knock on the door and she went to go open it.

In front of her stood a red head with big brown eyes; she had on a very tight light blue shirt with a navy blue skirt, which hugged her curves. Katrina frowned a little, as her mind was taking her to places she that didn't want to go; she didn't want to know if this woman was trying to impress Alonzo, well that's what she was telling herself. The woman wouldn't look her in her face and she had a blush that matched the color of her hair. She seemed to fidget, but quickly composed herself.

"Ma'am the plane will be landing in thirty minutes, we need you and Mr. Riccardi to take your seats soon and buckle up."

Katrina nodded her head and assured the flight attendant that they would be out in a few minutes. She closed the door and turned around to her sleeping fiancé.

She walked over to her side of the bed and crawled over to him. She gently brushed the small hairs off his forehead, careful not to wake him. She ran her hands through his soft dark locks. She noticed that his hair had specks of light brown on the ends. She caressed his bushy and unkempt eyebrows, which covered a small gash above his right eye. His long eyelashes, shaped like moon crescents, slightly darkened the skin hidden beneath. She ran her fingertips over his stubble and got goose bumps from the friction. She was caught up in studying his face that she didn't realize that she started to sing softly.

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