Chapter 15

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She'd woken up again; she didn't know how long she'd been here. There was blood splattered on her pink nightgown; she couldn't remember who had put it on her. In fact, she couldn't remember anything. She didn't know why she was here or where here was. Every time she thought too hard, the left side of her head would hurt so badly that she didn't want to try to remember.

The man was on the phone with someone, she could hear them talking. Something was wrong with her vision though, it was blurry when she tried to see far away.

"Did her memory recover?"

"No and her vision hasn't completely returned either." the man said.

"How hard did he hit her?"

"Pretty fucking hard."

Then she heard another man "the little cagna wouldn't shut her mouth. She kept crying for her family, so I hit her to shut her up. She's going to die anyway, why does it matter?"

Someone turned around and she scrunched her eyes so that she could see, they never got close enough for her to see them clearly.

"She's awake."

"Any changes?"

"Still the same."

"You're positive she can't see very well?"

"It's a sure thing boss."

"I'm coming in with guests."

"I don't think that's a good idea boss."

"Well it's a good thing I don't pay you to think."

 There was a silence and then the two men started to argue in a language she didn't quite understand. She couldn't remember why she didn't understand, or why she could almost understand. Suddenly the men stopped shouting and a person walked into the room. Someone stood in front of her, but far enough away so that she couldn't see him or her clearly.

 "Can you see me child?"

 She couldn't see him, so she relied on her ears. The person that spoke to her was a man, his deep voice echoing throughout the room. The voice wasn't one she recognized.

 "Answer me." He demanded

 "No sir, I can't see you."

 "Do you remember anything?"

 "I can't remember."

 "What's your name child?"

 "I don't know my name."

 "I told you boss she doesn't remember anything."

 "Don't speak when not spoken to Marcello."

 Once again, the room was silent. Two people stepped into her line of vision and she could see them clearly.

 "The two people kneeling before you are your parents. Their names are Peter and Nancy Stewart, and your name is Katrina Stewart. Your parents have been looking for you for days now and here you are. They are going to take you back home, but remember little girl you shouldn't wander away from your parents." The man walked away from her then and her 'father' lifted her into his arms.


Katrina woke up without the ability to move, Alonzo had his limbs wrapped around her like a cocoon. She breathed deeply trying to calm her racing heart. It had been a couple of days since she had a dream or a memory. This one was different, this one she could recall fluently. After years of trying to remember being Katrina, she completely forgot that she was Amalia. She was only a five-year-old child that had suppressed a horrible memory of being lost from her parents, now she knew how wrong she had been.

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