Chapter 10

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Alonzo looked down at his fiancé. He’d finally let her sleep, after he’d woken her up the second time, wanting more of her body. She’d instigated a heat in him that he couldn’t get rid of, and every time she’d turned over in her sleep she brushed up against him, it had sent him stirring again; she didn’t complain that he had taken her again she rather enjoyed it. She would smile up at him; her lush pink lips sculpted around her teeth. Just as he’d said that his body was all he could give her, she took it and gave hers back to him, twice.

 He was surprised when she’d agreed to all that he could give her. He really would hate to be married to Katrina and not be able to fulfill both their needs. Alonzo wondered why he tried to convince himself that he would be able to hold back from Katrina, and he had; but when she leaned up and took his mouth with her own, he’d nearly slammed her up against the wall and took her immediately. He had to remember that she was pregnant with their child and for that he taken her slow, or started out slow. She pushed him further, when he’d tried to be careful of them both, but she’d dug her nails into his skin. He could still feel the stinging; they would leave marks.

 To think he’d almost pulled away from her and walked out of the room. When she’d dared to kiss him, she couldn’t know the battle he was fighting within himself. He knew it would make things difficult for them if he walked away, but he was trying to protect her. He wasn’t oblivious to the fact that she was trying to capture a heart that he no longer had. She was being a naïve young woman.

 He cursed himself constantly for being so stupid and careless when the condom had broken. He should’ve pulled out of her silky softness, but she’d assured him that she had protection for herself; and he had been so caught up in the heat of the moment. He couldn’t and wouldn’t put any of the blame on her; he, as a man, will own up to his mistakes.

 He looked into her soft light jade eyes, as they had sex, just an hour or so ago and saw love. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He didn’t realize he was holding it in until the air became poisonous in his lungs. He’d seen it dammit, something that he didn’t want to see. His fiancé was falling in love with him and he couldn’t understand it; if he could let her walk out of his life, and know that she would be safe, then he would. However, he didn’t like that thought. Katrina was his, she wore his ring on her finger, and she is carrying his child. This child will bond them together forever, no matter what.

He couldn’t put a finger on why he felt this way. Was it because Katrina is Mariah, his farfalle? He placed his hand over her flat stomach. His baby lay in there; she protects it with her body. He was amazed how his baby could make him look at his fiancé in a different light. She’s the mother of his child, he couldn’t believe that he was getting married but most of all having a baby. Even though he cursed himself for impregnating her, he couldn’t think about not having a baby anymore.

 He couldn’t even remember the reasons for not wanting one, in the first place. When a girlfriend would even bring up having a family, he would immediately escort them to the door and close it behind them; but as he rubbed small circles on her stomach softly, it didn’t matter. He watched as his hand moved up and down from Katrina breathing. He believed that they could be a couple that compromised.

 He hadn’t noticed that his left hand had wondered off and was now softly playing with her hair. He looked at his hand in amazement; it was almost as if he didn’t have control over it. He was teasing her soft brown locks between his fingers. Her hair, so soft it felt like he was touching the clouds. It was like the wind blowing on your face that you can’t see, or how you walk through fog and it caresses you, but you can’t caress it.

 When he realized where his thoughts had taken him, he stopped them immediately, stopped playing with her hair, and sat up in bed; letting the sheet fall to his waist, revealing his sculptured chest. He shouldn’t do things like that, he didn’t know when he even started to do it, but he knew he couldn’t afford to give her mix signals.

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