Chapter 8

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Katrina was truly confused; things were happening all around her. Why was Mr. Porcelli here? She knew he was Italian, but was it a coincident for him to be here. She looked into the light green eyes of her most loyal customer, and biggest tipper, sometimes very big. She always had to persuade him to leave it in the two digit area. It already looked bad that his tips exceeded the actual charges, but to go into the hundreds was just ridiculous. It got so bad that, her other employees tried to take him away from her, but he always requested her; he was loyal to her. Sometimes she wondered why her; and when she built up the courage she finally asked; she didn't want to drive away her best customer, by asking too many questions.

 Never the less his answer was always the same "There's something special about you Amalia." She wondered why he called her that, but chose to keep that question to herself. Sometimes she would have to remind him, that her name was Katrina. Which caused him to say "but Amalia is such a pretty name, you look more like an Amalia then a Katrina, si." After a while, she just dropped it. Why should she pursue it? He tipped her substantially, and she liked the Italian name he gave her. In the back of her head, far back in her memory, she swore she'd heard it; but that made no sense, her family was as American as can be.

 She continued to look at his beautiful aging face, from which it appeared that all of the blood had drained. Why was he so pale? Was he surprised to see her? She noticed he had a tight grip on the phone in his hand, had there been a disturbing phone call?

 He looked shocked, his pale green eyes wide and his mouth slightly open; he was breathing hard as if in need of oxygen. She looked into his eyes once more and tried to read him; his eyes were like an open book and if you looked deep enough, his emotions were on display. He looked shocked and confused.

 She took a step towards him but she was pulled back against Alonzo's hard chest. She dared to take another step and she was rewarded with the same reaction. What was wrong with him? Mr. Porcelli's an old man and her friend; she just wanted to check and see if he was ok. She looked at a wide-eyed Mr. Porcelli, who watched the exchange between them like a hawk. With a sigh on her lips, she turned around in Alonzo's arms and looked up at him. He wasn't looking at her; his attention focused on Mr. Porcelli, but why?

 From her point of view, she could see how clenched his jaw was and his chest heaved up and down. She placed her hand on his structured chest, and she didn't know why exactly, it just seem like the right thing to do. She felt his heart beating at a rapid rate, and she slightly frowned. His heart beat at a magnificent rhythm and she felt it going through her palm and up her arm, to her very own heart; she shivered from the electricity of the moment and he finally looked down at her. She gasped when she looked into his cold, coal grey gaze; his eyes weren't readable like her dear friend. What was wrong with him?

 She sighed, she'd just woken up, and already she was beginning to get tired "Alonzo..." she said wearily and he caught her mouth with a gentle touch of his finger; he didn't want her to talk, but with the effect his touch was having on her, she wouldn't be able to. She shivered slightly at first contact, and looked up at him wide-eyed and open mouth. Her breath came out jagged; she forgot the way his touch could send her over the edge.

 She felt her body move closer into his, and had the satisfaction of watching his cold eyes widen briefly with such a heat, it almost knocked her off her feet. Would it always be like this between them; unable to resist the heat pulling at them, she felt it in her very core. She felt light headed upon realization, Alonzo's grip tighten around her. She sighed at the feel of his body close to hers; even with his coldness, he was so gentle with her, how could she not fall for him and come to love him? Sometimes she felt like she was very close; but pushed the thought away. Wasn't it too early to love someone?

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