Chapter 19

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Alonzo leaned over the railing of the staircase as he fired off a couple shots then hurriedly pressed his back against the wall to try his best to cover himself from the bullets. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up in salute, not from the intense gun slinging tournament they were currently having, but because thirty minutes passed since their takeoff and he still hadn't heard much. The last he had heard was that they had managed to get safely away and that his wife was sleeping. Sleeping? Alonzo couldn't shake it, was she sleeping and was she ok? He knew that he should trust that she was in good hands, especially since Maria was with her. He just wasn't positive that with that blood on her, some of it wasn't hers.

A bullet hitting the wall on the right side of his head snapped him back into what was going on at the moment. Alonzo aimed his gun and shot the guy right in the head. The dumb fanculo couldn't even shot, he guessed he should be happy about that because if he had aimed a couple more inches to the left he would be dead right now. Still what kind of people did Marcello have working for him, if more died then actually got the job done? It pissed him off even more that they had the audacity to pay so much money just to kill his wife and child. For that price, they were attracting the greedy middle-class folks who needed the money more than they needed to breathe. Alonzo couldn't imagine how much they would be willing to pay to attract the seasoned killers. The ones that were more careful and thoughtful, even the ones that did it for fun.

Alonzo shook his head to get himself back to what mattered, which was him getting home alive and making sure Katrina was safe. He breathed in deeply and then focused again. He became aware of his surroundings and in tune with the chaos.

"Gabe?" Alonzo shouted while he looked around him. How come he didn't notice when his right hand and best friend wasn't close to him anymore. Alonzo cursed himself not staying focused this whole time. Katrina had plagued his thoughts and he had lost his concentration.

"Back in the game now buddy?" Gabe asked sarcastically.

"Where are you?" Alonzo asked instead.

"A floor down? Gabe shouted back.

No wonder he seemed to sound further away "What in the hell are you doing down there?" Alonzo asked as he heard the sound of more gunfire near the bottom floors.

"Protecting you. What the hell else am I doing down here?"

Alonzo narrowed his eyes in frustration. "Where the hell were you when I almost got shot?"

"Killing, even more people. Some are going to slip through the cracks. Where were you when you almost got shot? You need to focus so that we can get out of here Al"

"I know that asshole." Alonzo murmured underneath his breath. "I'm coming down cover for me." He said as he crept his way down the stairs, the grip on his gun firm.

"No, stay up there. There is no way the cars are going to be able to get to us. It's been half an hour and we still haven't managed to get out of this damn building. I've already called for the other helicopter it should be here in 15 minutes. We just need to kill enough of them and fight the rest off until then."

Alonzo ignored Gabe as he talked and moved down the stairs in a slow and steady fashion. He made sure not to draw unnecessary attention to himself. Just in the few minutes he and Gabe had exchanged words, things had gotten quite. His heartbeat pounded against his chest so powerfully that he could hear it in the silence. It was too quite. He took the steps one at a time with his back to the wall. Every now and then he would look up to his left to make sure no one was there before he focused on his descend again. This had easily become the longest minutes of his life. He had been in gun play before but this time he had people to live for. The words Katrina said played silently in his head over and over 'I need you to come back to me, to us' and he would.

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