Chapter 13

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"I was pregnant. I lost my son last night, while his father was getting married to you."

 Katrina felt as if her world were falling apart; and the house was tumbling down on her. Her throat constricted and it was getting harder to breathe. Her eyes were beginning to blur as she backed away. Is that why he was going to leave her on their wedding night? He stayed because of her, because she was acting, well she was acting as any woman would if their new husband was going to leave right after saying vows. He didn't know that Katrina heard nothing else, her mind shut the rest of the world out of hearing range, and it kept replaying that one sentence over and over. This was what the phone call had been about, if she'd known, she would've gone with him, to be there for him

 Her legs felt weak beneath her, she hadn't noticed Alonzo had moved until she swayed and he caught her. Wrapping his long arms around her small trembling body, the warmth of his body seeped immediately into hers. She looked up at him then, blinking away tears so that she could see him clearly.

 Katrina gasped, his beautiful face showed so many different emotions. The iceman in front of her was melting away; it was as if she were looking at a different person. She saw grief, anger, sadness, and wariness in his grey eyes, but most of all, the worry for her. The grip he had on her arms and the way his eyes hurriedly roamed over her face showed that he was worried about her. She saw his lips moving but couldn't hear a word that he was saying, all she could do was stare at him.

She felt him tense, his grip tightened on her arms, she winced at the pressure. Right in front of her he was transforming into the man that she'd come to love. He was becoming cold again, the warmth from his body being sucked back, cooling her very core. He turned his head and by the way his mouth opened and veins stuck out, she could tell that he had yelled something, the vibration of his voice coming in waves. Those waves got past the barrier in her ears and suddenly she was hearing clearly again, but how she wished she wasn't; she wanted to block out everything again because what came next was like a knife aimed directly at her stomach.

 "Be careful not to stress too much Mrs. Riccardi, it's really easy to lose a baby."

 The cold grip was immediately gone and she saw Alonzo storming out of the room leaving her completely alone. She could hear the commotion in the hall and she could hear Alonzo's menacing voice, but once again, she couldn't hear a word he was saying. She shivered as she thought of all the possible things he could say, she knew from experience that his words could hurt.

Katrina couldn't believe this was really happening. It felt like things were going perfect, just a couple of hours ago. Alonzo had made her his wife with a beautiful, breathtaking wedding. They'd had passionate sex throughout the night, and even though she woke up in a cold bed, there was a hot delicious breakfast waiting for her.

Then it all crashed down to hell when a leggy blonde walked in, sat down and a said a couple of things that had Alonzo turning into Satan himself. She felt unsteady again and managed to sit down in Alonzo's chair, before her trembling legs became useless.

 She sat back and wrapped her arms around herself, this act made her feel as if she was shielding her baby from the ugliness pointed in their direction. There were so many words that could describe Veronica, but only three came vividly to Katrina's mind: Crazy. Evil. Bitch. The woman was crazy she'd seen it clear as day, it shown brightly in her eyes. Katrina knew she was no match for the woman, not a woman like that.

 She knew she was supposed to be strong in a situation like this, but the point was that she was weak, emotional, and pregnant. The hatred that she felt for Veronica was overwhelming but she had to hide this from her husband, to try to check her emotions. Then her dam broke. She tried to wipe away her tears but too many fell too fast. There were so many reason why she was crying, her husband had lost a baby and he was clearly devastated about it and his psycho ex-girlfriend was wishing death on her own unborn child. It wasn't hard to read between the lines, but how could someone who'd just lost a baby want another mother to lose her's.

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