Chapter 7

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Alonzo stood in front of the double doors of his father's home office, with Katrina still heavy on his mind. What was he doing bringing her into this kind of life style? He would have to have a protection team on her at all times; keep her in his sight. She was just too fragile at this time; he knew being pregnant would also make her emotional and she could overreact to so many things. She was just too fucking weak to survive without help, but alone, no way! Why out of the one in a million people getting pregnant on birth control, did it have to be her? He wouldn't regret his baby or the great night he had, he never was one to regret anything that happen in life. Nevertheless, this once he regretted bringing her into his life style, if he could just have his baby then he would; but he would not allow his child to grow up without a mother and deep down inside he knew he could do to it to anyone else, but not Katrina.

 He didn't realize that he had knocked until he heard his father's voice booming through the door.

 "Come in mio figlio"

 Alonzo reached for the metal handle of the door as it opened in front of him. His eyes landed on his father who sat behind his marble desk, like a king sitting on his throne. He sat up, posture straight and his hands folded in front of him; both arms supported by the armrests on his chair. He met aging dark grey eyes looking back at him, the darkest grey he'd ever seen; while his was the color of burnt charcoal, his fathers were almost pitch black.

 His father's eyes use to be the same color as his; he remembered. He had heard stories over the years that with every soul he took, his eyes were contaminated with the hatred of that soul. Making his once light grey eyes darken; this earned him the nickname grim; the collector of souls.

He didn't see his father much when he was a child. Every chance he got he tried to impress him either going for the best grades or trying out for the sports teams in school, anything to get his attention. He was so desperate that he picked up a gun once, but that was a mistake.

 He remembered when he was eleven years old; he found the shooting range his dad kept under the house. He'd never seen such magnificent pieces of metal in his young life. What he didn't know was that his father was watching from a far. As soon as he reached for a gun, his father was walking out of the shadows and straight for him. His eyes grew big as his father's tall frame towered over him. He looked into the cold eyes of his father and knew that going down there was a big mistake. The silent conversations between him and his father began on that day.

 He found it quite odd, that day his father's eyes had told him never to pick up a gun again; two years later, he was in the same place learning how to shoot a gun along with his brother and they started martial arts training. At the time, his father said that it was for defense purposes; but at the ripe age of twenty-eight, he still felt something drastic had to have happened for his father to let him touch a gun again.

 His eyes wandered to the picture of the green eyed, brown haired, little girl, who sat there with a big smile, while her chin rested on her small hands. He narrowed his eyes as he looked at her picture. She looked so familiar but he couldn't place a finger on where he'd seen her or whom she was. For a split second he thought that it was her, but he quickly shook the thought out of his mind. He wasn't going down that road again.

 He met the cold glare of his father. This man had not been there for him as he grew up, he didn't have the pleasure of seeing him often when he was younger; he vowed that he would be there for his child no matter the case. He'd even try his best to be what Katrina needed not wanted; she would be in his life permanently. He would only marry once so Katrina would be his until he was no longer.

 He furrowed his eyebrows as he replayed the look in her eyes every time she looked at him. She liked him and he didn't understand why. Did she veer towards danger without fully realizing it? She truly liked him without knowing fully who he was, while other women lusted after him because of his money, status, and of whom he is. He would have to keep her at arm's length, he couldn't afford for her to fall in love with him; he cringed at that thought.

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