Chapter 3

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His green eyes looked back at hers and her young mind registered that he was someone important to her. He carefully brushed the dark brown hair out of her face, afraid he would wake her, just as she was finally starting to doze off. He leaned down to kiss her small forehead and she smelled the sweetness of his cologne. He smelled like the peppermints that the old lady always tried to give her, but on him, it was a good smell.

"Goodnight my beautiful Mariah and don't let the bed bugs bite, but always remember that daddy loves you; and the love of a father will make all the monsters go away."

He shifted to get off the bed, but stopped in his tracks when her tiny hand grabbed his own.

"Papa I love you," she said while rubbing her small fist over her eye.

"I love you too angel, now close your pretty little eyes and go to sleep." and with already droopy eyes, she laid her head down on her pillow and grabbed her favorite stuffed animal; and was fast asleep.

Katrina woke up with a start, body tense and stomach churning. With her left hand, she brushed her long brown hair out of her face. She turned her head to the right and saw that the other side of her bed was empty. She let out her breath that she hadn’t realized she was holding.

It was all a dream. Alonzo showing up at her apartment, trying to take her baby away right after the doctors cut the umbilical cord, then demanding that she marry him; it had to be a dream, right?

She got out of her bed with a sigh on her lips. What would it be like to be married to Alonzo? She thought as she headed to her bathroom, while pulling her tank top over her head. What would it be like to hold their baby in her hands as he looked down on them both? She wondered as she tied her hair in a messy bun on top of her head. What would it feel like to wake up next to him every morning? She pondered on as she untied her drawstrings connected to her pajamas; once untied, they fell loosely to her feet and she stepped out of them.

She paused and realized that she didn't care or better that she shouldn't dare think things like that; they weren't going to happen anyway. She was physically attracted to him, so attracted that when she opened her door and he was standing there, she wanted to grab him by the collar of his shirt and pull him in for a deep kiss. The attraction was wiped away by sudden fear that he was standing on her doorstep with a look that meant, he would like to kill her. Thank God it was all just a terrifying dream, and with that resolution, she continued to undress.

he reached for the bra straps on her shoulders and slid them down. She spun the material around her slim waist and unclasped it, allowing her black bra to fall on her bathroom floor. She sighed in relief, her breast were finally free. Her body was changing fast her breast were much bigger and heavier, her hips flared out a bit more; preparing for the stretch of her stomach that was sure to come. She discarded her black cotton underwear and picked up the rest of her clothes, emptying them into her dirty laundry basket.

She walked over to her bathroom mirror and as she opened it, she awaited the creak that had become so familiar. Grabbing her toothbrush and toothpaste, she thought better of it, the last time she brushed her teeth she threw up, she thought it better to use mouth wash now and chew some gum later. She walked over to the tub and turned the knob to the right, allowing the warm water to flow. Once the water was as hot she liked, she pulled up the shower-head releaser and stepped back as the water cascaded down.

She stepped back to her mirror and analyzed her face. Her eyes were sunken into her skull and she had dark rings around them; due to the morning sickness and not getting enough sleep.

The steam from the shower started to fog the mirror and she knew that was her signal to jump in. She walked under the spray of hot water and immediately loosened up. She stepped closer so that the water was pouring down over her head. With both hands secured on the wall supporting her weight, she let the water hit the back of her neck and shoulder blades.

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