Chapter 21

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Alonzo carried Katrina's sleeping form through the front door of his temporary New York apartment. He didn't bother to glance around. He had his security detail check it before they left Italy to make sure nothing was out of place. It was just the way that he had left it, clean and cold. The doors to his bedroom where already opened and he laid her down carefully on the bed. She immediately turned on her side, crossed her ankles, and brought her legs up to her small bump. She looked so small. Alonzo looked out the window and stared down at the busy streets of New York. He wasn't a fan of this place. It never seemed to slow down, but it brought great business, and he couldn't deny the money, legal money, which continuously flowed into his family's bank accounts.

He would try not to spend too much time here, only the time that was necessary to conduct business and then on to the next. He had talked to the board of directors and it looked like they needed him to go to Las Vegas after he was done here. It didn't matter to him much, he wanted to be on the move as much as possible, without disturbing the delicate balance that wrapped around Katrina's pregnancy.

Alonzo continued to look out the window, across the vast tall buildings and far into the distance. He wasn't exactly seeing anything. His eyes roamed over the horizon and he would've enjoyed the sunset if it wasn't for the fact that he was gone so far into his head. He closed his eyes and exhaled slowly. He opened them again and saw the reflection of Katrina's sleeping form. He needed to protect her from the world, hell he needed to protect her from himself. He smirked and couldn't help but think his niece would say that Katrina was living in a princess tower, he grimaced, he might risk his life to save her, but he was no prince.

He watched as Katrina turned from side to side through the reflection in the glass. He chuckled as she tried to get comfortable from one end of the bed to the other. This woman, who was a pain in his ass, made him laugh about the simplest things, like taking the pillow from his side of the bed and then shoving it away. She honestly looked like a crazy woman and it was good to know that he wasn't the only one on the brink. She sat up suddenly and he turned around the look at her.

"I can hear you laughing, Alonzo." She said in a groggy tone as she reached over to turn on the lamp next to her side of the bed.

Alonzo walked over to her and sat down on the edge of the bed "You amuse me sometimes, Katrina."

"Well, I'm glad I could be of some amusement." She bit out harshly at him.

He reared back slightly, surprised, even though he shouldn't be. Katrina was like that lately. Calm one minute and on a rampage the next. He just stared at her, at a total loss for words, he knew he should say something – he was in unknown territory here.

"Katrina, I..." He started before she cut him off.

"Si, I know." She said with a sigh "I'm just so tired," she turned accusing eyes on him then. He wasn't the one that had attacked himself "hungry, and I'm hot. Is the air conditioner on?"

Alonzo wondered where he should start first, he wasn't much of a talker, to begin with, but the way she looked at him, in expectation, he needed to say something.

"Food is being prepared. It is cool in here but we could adjust the temperature, also stop looking at me as if I'm the sole reason for your tiredness." He could see her blush, even in the limited light the room provided.

She diverted her gaze from him, pushed her hair behind her ear, and looked around the room. "Well, I never said that exactly. I'm not sure what came over me last night, 'she looked out the window, at the darkening sky 'or the night before. I have no sense of time right now. Besides who takes a helicopter from their house to the airport then takes a jet from the airport to another, and finally another helicopter to this, this apartment." She said as she got out of bed and looked around before her eyes finally landed on him.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 06, 2017 ⏰

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