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"James." Breckyn's voice pulled me back to reality. I looked down at her while she rested her head in my lap. I met my wife's gaze with a smile. "Yes, dear?" I asked as I reached down and ran my fingers through her salt and pepper hair. She smiled back at me as she reached up and caressed my cheek. "You're bouncing, honey." I realized that her head was jostling as I bounced my legs up and down. "Sorry, I'm just going insane out here. Why does Nancy get to be in there and I don't? I'm her father." Breckyn chuckled lightly as she sat up and smoothed out her hair. She put her hand on my knee and gave it a squeeze. "Baby, do you remember what it was like when we had Thomas and Kenz? She may be your little girl and she definitely still has you wrapped around her finger but trust me when I say that you are the last person she wants in that room with her. She still loves you but a labor and delivery room isn't the place for a father." I sighed and leaned against the arm of the couch that we were sitting on. "Jordan gets to be in there." Breckyn playfully pushed my arm and scoffed. "I meant its no place for her father. You know what I meant."

"Its been like three hours and no word. That makes me worry and you know how I get when I worry, Brecks." I heard my wife of 25 years give a tiny laugh and instantly it took me down memory lane. 25 years of marriage, raising three children, balancing my status with her normalcy and it still feels like we're still those two starcrossed kids in that hotel room, not knowing what was about to knock them off their feet. I've spent a quarter of my life with this woman and everyday she manages to remind me that its isnt about the amount of years you have in your life, its about the amount of life you put into your years. "Yes, J. I do know how you get when you worry but you remember how long I was in labor with Thomas and Kenz. It is not an easy process, or do you really need reminded?" She absentmindedly rubbed at a very small, very faint scar on my forearm where there was just a tiny patch of hair missing. I smiled at the battle wound I proudly displayed from our son's very eventful arrival into this world. Breckyn had gripped onto my arm so hard during that particular contraction, that when she let go, she had taken a souvenir with her. Hair hasnt grown in that spot since. "We really don't need to hear the birthing stories right now, Ma. Besides, I think everyone has heard how me and the brat came into this world many, many times." I looked up to see Thomas walking into the waiting room. He smiled brightly as we both stood up and greeted our son. He bent down to his mother's level and gave her a kiss on the cheek. "Hey, Mom." She hugged him tight and rubbed his back before he chuckled and pulled away from her. He stood up straight, making me look up at him. Thomas had about three inches on me. Where he got his height, I have no idea. I always figured he would take after his mom but he really didn't. He was tall and lanky, and at the tender age of 25, he reminded me a lot of myself when I was his age. If you had taken a picture of me from the 90s and set it next to a picture of Thomas now. Well, I couldnt deny this kid even if I wanted to, not that I ever would. He looked down at me and gave me his crooked grin. I knew it instantly melted his mom's heart but not mine. I was used to seeing it on my own face. "Pop." He said softly, reaching out with his hand, his crooked pinky mirroring mine.

"Don't 'Pop' me, pal. Where the hell have you been? I called you.." I paused and turned his hand as I shook it, seeing the watch that Lorne had given him on his 18th birthday. It hasn't left his wrist since. "SEVEN hours ago to tell you that your sister was having her baby." Thomas slowly turned his wrist back and let go of my hand, giving a knowing laugh before running his hands through his hair. "I'm sorry Dad. Silas and I were finishing something up at the office. I was going as quick as I can but you know how Timberlake gets. I came over as soon as we were done but I had to pick up Kenzie James, and then Hannah got lost on the way here and.." He paused and looked down at me, smiling nervously. I tried to not look at them because I knew but as soon as I made eye contact with those blue green eyes, my tough dad act came crashing down. That boy was me through and through, except for his eyes, or his "superpower" as his mother so lovingly puts it. I could hear Breckyn laughing to herself as I sighed and pulled my son down and in for a hug. She knew I was done just like I did. "I'm sorry, Dad. Did I miss it? Did she have my niece or nephew yet?" Thomas said in my ear and I leaned back, hand on the back of his neck and gave it a little squeeze. "It's alright, we'll just blame Silas. I need a reason to yell at him anyways." Thomas deep laugh felt like thunder against my chest as he pulled back and nodded. "Sounds good, Pop." I squeezed his neck one more time before looking past him. "And no, Nance is in there but last we heard, it could be a while." Thomas nodded in understanding and turned to look where I was looking. "Where are the girls?" I asked as I let go of his neck and let it rest on his shoulder.

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