Chapter 23

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"What do you mean you WONT let me go? I HAVE to go. What part of court ordered appearance makes you think that this is something that I am doing voluntarily. He is going against me in court, Jimmy. I cant really skip that or else he walks." I said, pacing the room.

Jimmy ran his hands through his hair. I could tell he was upset. "Well, then, I'm going with you. I promised your father I would never let anything happen to you. If you are going, then I am going." He paced behind his desk. 

"You can't go Jimmy. You don't have hiatus until next month and you have Timberweek this week. You cant just back out of all of that. This trial could last weeks." I told him as I watched him ring his hands through his hair over and over. 

 "I will make a call or something. I do NOT want you in the same room as him. Do you not remember what happened the last time we were around that lunatic? Huh?!" I looked at Jimmy as he paced right in front of me. I looked just below his right rib. There was a very noticeable scar on his abdomen. I immediately felt guilty. "Of course, I remember, Jimmy. How could I forget?" I walked over to him and put my hand on his scar. "There's not a day that goes by that I don't think about that day." I whispered in his ear.

He backed away from me with his hands up. "Then why would you put yourself in a position to where something like that could happened again, Breck? Why?" He was raising his voice. 

"You act like I have a CHOICE in all this matter, Jimmy. I don't! I HAVE to go or we risk the chance of him getting out of prison and who is to say he wont come after us then? Huh? I cant risk that happening, Jimmy. Not again. We live together. Do you really want a psychopath like him finding out where we live?!" I raised my voice right back. 

"You don't have to go there. You can testify from here. You can do an audio tape. They do that shit all the time, Breckyn. Don't tell me they cant do that. I don't want you going there and being in the same room as that piece of shit! You hear me? You're not going!" he slammed his fist down on his desk.

"I am going, James. I have. To. Go. It is a court order subpoena. If I don't go, they WILL release him. Do you understand that? I will be in even more danger if I stay here and ignore this. I HAVE TO GO. I will be fine. I will be in a court of law. He wont be able to touch me. I will make sure my family is there as well. If it will make you feel better. I cant risk him getting out because I didn't show up. We have a daughter to worry about here, Jimmy."

"No, it doesn't make me feel better, Breckyn. What would make me feel better is if you stayed as far away from that man as possible. And WE have a daughter to worry about? The last time I knew, Winnie was MY daughter. WE don't have shit to worry about, thanks to him!" He punched the door to his closet. 

"HOW. DARE. YOU? Winnie may be YOUR daughter, but don't you DARE tell me I don't have anything to worry about. You know that I love her as if she were mine, so do you DARE tell me WE don't have anything to worry about. That is bullshit, James Fallon. Pure bullshit and you know IT!" I yelled at him. 

I walked towards him and put my finger in his face. "Winnie is just like a daughter to me and you know that! You don't get to talk to me like that. You don't get to tell me what I get to do and don't get to do. I AM doing this. I AM going home and I AM testifying against Mike if it's the last thing I do. Cause, I'll be damned if I let him get out of prison and come after you and Winnie, even if you DO think that its nothing that I have to worry about!" I turned and walked out of the office. 

"Breck! Wait!" I heard Jimmy run after me. "I'm sorry! I'm just pissed off at this whole situation. That didn't come out right..." I walked over to the elevator and pushed the down button. The door opened and I walked into the elevator. Jimmy ran up and caught the door before it closed. "Babe, I didn't mean that, come back and talk to me." He held the door open. "There's nothing to talk about Jimmy. I'm going home tomorrow. With or Without your support. You have a choice. You either get to be supportive and loving Jimmy or you can be this hostile douche bag that quite honestly, I cant really stand right now. You choose." 

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