Chapter 53

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"Higgins!! Could you possibly get me to the hospital some time this year?! You drive so damn slow! Let's Go!!" I yelled as Higgins stopped to let someone cross the street in front of us. I slammed my hand on the dash of his car. Higgins grabbed my hand and put it in my lap. "Stop." He said calmly. I looked at him and threw my hand out towards the windshield. "You're literally letting everyone get to where they need to do before we do!! My son is being born.. I NEED to be there! Just because you are dressed like a woman doesn't mean you have to drive like one!!" Higgins clapped my back. "You're one to talk! You nag me worse than my wife!! The crossing sign is lit. I HAVE to let them go, Jim. I'm sorry not everyone drives like a lunatic but this is not my first birth, Jimmy. I have my own kids. I was never late to their births. I wont make you late to your son's. Calm down. Breathe." He took a deep breath in and I shook my head. "Jimmy...." I shot him a look. "What?!" I shouted "Come on!! This is the longest light ever!!" I said as I bounced my legs up and down. It was a habit I picked up from Brecks. She did that when she was nervous. I guess somewhere along the line, I picked up the same habit. I didn't even realize I did it until she pointed it out to me in the hospital a month ago. Steve put his hand on my knee. "You know what. Just breathe. Stop shaking. We will get there. I promise you, okay, brother?" I stopped and took a deep breath and let it out slowly. I nodded. "Thank you." He patted my face. "Oop. See? The light changed. We can go now. I told you I would get you there."

Steve started driving again and we spent the last ten minutes of the ride in silence as I shook my legs and tried to remember to breathe. "Jim. Calm down. You're chewing on your nails. You NEVER chew your nails. What's wrong?" he asked looking at me as he kept driving. I spit and wiped my mouth. "I need to stop. This nail polish tastes like shit." Higgins stopped at the final stop light. "Jimmy, I've known you for half our lives. I know when you're happy anxious and when you are scared. What's wrong?" I felt tears start to well in my eyes as I looked at the clock on the dash. It's been over an hour and a half since I hung up with Breckyn. "I... I just need to be there, Steve. I can't miss this... not again..." I said softly, shaking my legs even harder. Higgins turned to face me in his seat. "Jim.. you can't possibly be blaming yourself for that." The light turned green and I pointed up to it, still chewing on one hand. Higgins turned and drove ahead. "I'm.. I'm not but I actually CAN be in there this time, and so far, I'm not.. and If I miss.... If I miss it.... Well.. I'll never forgive myself for missing my child being born when I had every opportunity to be there." I said softly. Higgins rubbed my back. "Two more blocks then we will be there." I nodded and shifted nervously in my sheet.

Within minutes Higgins pulled up in front of the hospital. I didn't even wait for the car to stop before I opened it and took off running for the doors. "Be careful! You're in heels!" Higgins yelled as he parked the car. I stopped running and picked each leg up and ripped off the heels, throwing them behind me. "FUCK THE HEELS!!" I yelled as I ran to the doors. I ran through the door and to the reception area trying to catch my breath.

"I.... I'm having.. I'm having a baby... I mean.. my.... Breckyn..." I said bent over holding on to the counter as I tried to breathe. Shit. I'm out of shape. I cant even run from a car to the hospital. The receptionist stared at me. "Calm down. Now what is going on ma'am?" I shot my head up and stared at her. "I'm not a ma'am! I'm Jimmy Fallon!!"  I said as Higgins ran up behind me, breathing heavy himself. I looked behind me. "It's rough out there." He wheezed. I looked back. The receptionist looked at me. "Riiiiiiiiight and I'm Kate Upton. Really, miss, what is happening?" I shook my head. "What the... I.." I looked back at Higgins who pointed at me. "You're still Denise." I looked down at myself and turned around. "Oh fuck me." I ripped off my wig and ran my fingers through my hair real quick, trying to fix it from its mussed up state it was surely in now. I was so sweaty. Gross. "See? I'm a man. Jimmy Fallon, from tv.  Here.... Here's my I.D." I pulled my wallet out from my bra I still had on and flipped it open to show the receptionist. She looked at it. "Hmmm. 165? Yeah, right. Someone is in denial about their weight. You've got to be 185- 190. That dress really works with your figure though. I'm impressed." I scoffed and flipped my wallet shut. "Look, my girlfriend is in this building somewhere having my baby right now as we speak! Are you going to let me in or do I have to find her myself?!" I pointed towards the door. Higgins cleared his throat. "It's not her fault, Jim. Calm down, brother." I immediately felt bad and reached over and grabbed her hand. "I'm sorry.." I looked at her name tag. "Denise... Hey! I'm a Denise." She gave me a confused look. "I mean... this character... you know what? Just watch the show Monday. You'll see." Higgins laughed. "Anyways, Denise, lovely name by the way, could you please tell me where Breckyn Jones' room is? I would really love to be with her right now and see my son be born if that is at all possible? Please?" I looked at her and she stared for a second before grabbing a clipboard. "Room 919" I slapped the counter with my hand. "919. Thank you!! You're a lovely woman! Don't let anyone tell you different!" I grabbed Higgins by the strap of  his dress and we took off running through the hallway. 

We ran to the elevator bank and pushed the UP arrow. The floor level dinged and the door opened. There was a young nurse sitting in the elevator who gave us a confused look on her face. I smiled and waved and walked in, Higgins following behind me. "Hello, Ma'am." I said as the doors closed. She nodded. "What floor?" she asked as she leaned forward. I looked over at her. "Um.. 9 please." She pushed it and smiled. "Nine? Someone having a baby?" She said as she leaned back against the wall again. I smiled and pointed at myself. "Me. I am. I mean.. not me... obviously. My girlfriend." She smiled. "Well, congratulations, Jimmy." I smiled and looked back. "You know who I am?" Higgins scoffed. "Oh, here we go." The nurse laughed. "Doesn't everybody know who you guys are? I love Real Housewives by the way. I tell people to Eff Off all the time. Not at work obviously, but you know. I love the show. You guys rock." She looked at me. "I love your dress by the way. Where did you get it?" I looked down at myself and played with the fabric. "Uh.. I don't really know. Wardrobe handles that stuff." Higgins turned towards her. "You can get it online, if you have a pen, I can give you the site. They sell cute dresses and they have super cute shoes to go with them too!" I crossed my arms and stared at Higgins. "Really, Higs? Really?" He wrote the site down for the young lady and looked up and shrugged. "What? They do." I shook my head. "That's fine and dandy, but how the hell do you KNOW that?" He shrugged again. "Who do you think picks out all of Lydia's clothing. Got to like what you wear man." I just hard blinked and put my head up. "Wow. Oh my god." The nurse cleared her throat. "I also love that shade of lipstick. What is it?" I cleared my throat and looked down. "Ahem. Rose gold." I replied softly. Higgins crossed his arms. ""Scuse me? What was that? I don't think she heard you." I cleared my throat again and replied louder, shooting Higgins a death glare. "Rose gold." I looked at the nurse and smiled. Steve laughed. "Rose Gold? Well, well, well. If that isn't the cute crossdresser calling the best friend gay." The nurse shook her head. "This is a weird city." I laughed. "You'll get used to it." She nodded. 'Well, if it makes you feel better, you're the two most normal people I've came in contact with today." Higgins smiled. "I'm not surprised, dear." The floor level dinged and I looked up. "Well, this is us." I said turning back and holding out my hand. "What was your name dear?" She shook my hand. "Meg." She said softly. I smiled. "Meg? That's a beautiful name. Nice to meet you." She smiled. I grabbed her pen and signed the paper that had the website on it and smiled at her. "There you go, Meg. Anything for a fan." She held her pen out to Higgins. "Can I get yours too?" Higgins smiled and stuck his tongue out at me. "Ha! See, I have fans!" he signed it and walked out into the hallway. I walked out and turned. "Meg?" I asked. She looked up from the paper. "Yeah, Jimmy?" I smiled. "EFF YOURSELF!" I said in my Denise voice. She smiled as the doors closed. I turned to Higgins. "Nice girl." I said. Higgins laughed and pointed down the hallway. "Ready to have a baby?" I smiled and took off running again and he followed. 



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