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Her golden hair shines in the moonlight. Her emotionless face so different from then............ They changed her life. She used to smile like the sunshine, now she shows nothing on her face, like the darkness with no light.

"I'm nothing but a burden, a monster, a disgrace, and a shadow in this family." She said as tears rolled down her face then she noticed the moonlight shining through the window. She looked up seeing a moon spirit looking at her with its silver eyes.

"Who are you?" She asked the spirit.

"I'm you." The spirit smiled softly at her.

"I am you. I came from you. I was born inside you. We are one."

"You and I are the same person?"

"You'll know in the future. Soon everything will make sense."

After that line the spirit disappears leaving one question in the girl mind.

"Will I still be able to smile like that in the future then?"

Her name is Shio Kuran, the Golden Kuran.

Vengeful love [ON-HOLD]Where stories live. Discover now