Chapter 23

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The next day, in the morning, Shio had woken up earlier than usual sitting next to the open window. Sora and Aki looked at her as she sighed a big sigh over and over again for the past half hour since they woke up.

"Hah..." Shio sighed looking out the window at the blue sky wearing her night gown. Her night gown was a silk white noodle strap dress and the wind was blowing her hair back as she was looking outside blankly.

 Her night gown was a silk white noodle strap dress and the wind was blowing her hair back as she was looking outside blankly

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"Shio are you okay?" Sora asked deciding to break the silence with a worrying tone in his voice.

Shio looked at him with a blank stare and sighed again. She glanced outside and then looked at the palm of her hand.

"I'm...okay...Sora..." Shio said lifelessly.

"Oi! Shio, this isn't like you at all! Cheer up! You know and understand your uncle better than those Kurans." Aki said patting her head.

"'re weird today." Shio said lifelessly.

"Aki's being nice to you Shio, Take advantage of the moment." Sora whispered to Shio with mischievous tone.

"You Two..." Aki said with boiling anger inside.

Shio smiled and looked at Aki.

"Aki, I'll take advantage of your kindness today, so take me to that place." Shio said with a sad smile.

Aki and Sora looked at each other and sighed silently. Aki ruffled Shio's soft hair and smiled.

"Of course I will, dummy." Aki said.

"Thanks." Shio said with a bright smile while fixing her hair.

Aki picked her up bridal style and looked at Sora mentally telling him to stay inside the room and cover for them in case someone came to ask about them. Sora nodded at him and reassured him that he will cover for them.

"You're always like this whenever that happens." Aki said looking straight ahead as Shio's hair cover her face.

~~Time Skip~~


Aki put me down on my feet as I saw the clear blue lake with the sun shining down on it making it shimmer in front of me. I went towards a nearby tree and sat down under the shade as some forest animals came towards me.

"Well, I did what you said, so I'm going to go Shio. Call me when you need me, see you later." Aki said as he floated into the air.

"See you..." I said patting a nearby deer's head. When Aki was out of sight, tears streamed down my face as I reminisce about the place I was at.



Uncle Rido took Shio and Senri outside to a forest where there was a beautiful lake during the night.

"WOW!" Shio said with amazement while her eyes were open wide and shining.

"Isn't it pretty young one?" Uncle Rido asked Shio.

"Yes it is. It's very pretty, Uncle Rido." Shio said happily with smile.

Senri stood there with faint smile towards Shio, but was full of hatred towards his father who had now abandoned his mother and drove her insane.

~~Flashback Ends~~

"Sorry Uncle... I'm so sorry for everything...Shizuka-san too... I'm sorry..." Shio said while tears poured down her face.


I'm sorry for a slow update /(X.X)\ Gomenasai minna-san!

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