Chapter 36

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Sorry for the long wait everyone /(i_i)\ . . . Anyway I did not expect to be busy this month with my group project for class. Sorry for making you all wait for so long and thank you for your patience with me. May you all be bless with good luck.



"Maria, if any one of them annoy you, or hurt you in anyway, tell me and I'll take care of them for you so that you won't feel uneasy anymore during your time here. Now, I should get going because my dear 'brothers' will surely worry about me disappearing for quite a while." Shio said with a smile and waving at them.

"Thank you Shio-san." Maria said with a sweet smile and waving back at her.

Shio stopped and looked at Yuki with a smile.

"Now, since I am leaving, Ms.Guardian please continue showing Maria around the academy." Shio said as she jumped to Aki and Sora who decided to ditch class to go look for her.

~~Time skip~~


I walked towards the dorms building and when I was about to enter the doorway into the building, Aki appeared out of nowhere with Sora behind him storming towards me.

"Shio! Are you stupid or what?!" Aki shouted at me making me cover my ears.

"I'm not stupid like you, baka Aki!" I shouted back at him while glaring with anger.

Aki was about to say something back, but Sora hit Aki's head slightly from behind. He then turned towards me while sighing and then looked at me in the eyes.

"So, why did you suddenly disappear from us?" Sora asked in a calm yet serious tone.

I felt scared and intimidated by this kind of Sora so I felt that I had to tell the truth. I can't tell any lies or else . . .

"Well you see . . . I . . . um . . . sensed someone familiar with the two guardians . . ." I said quietly while avoiding eye contact with Sora and Aki who is now listening. 

"So, did you meet the person with familiar scent?" Sora asked.

I nodded my head and finally decided to look up at the two.

"Was is someone you knew well? Do we know them too? What is their name? What type of creature are they? Did you know them before us? Or did you know them after us?" They both asked at the same time.

I was confused by the number of questions they were asking and how fast they were saying it. I told them to stop and calm down and I'll tell them when we go back to our room.

When we entered our room, I set up a barrier to make sure no one can hear our conversation. We sat on our beds and I looked at them with them looking at me.

"So, . . . the thing is . . . the person I sensed was actually two people I knew before meeting you two. I know both of them quite well in any case after all I was with them for a while. I know their scent so I decided to show up, and apparently one of them will be transferring to the Night Class and the other to the Day Class. The girl is a vampire and the boy is a human. You two will meet them tomorrow, but first let's sleep because I want to go shopping for a dress." I said calmly trying to end the conversation.

They both nodded and looked at me with their eyes telling me that what I said better be true. I smiled in return as they get ready to sleep. There was two bathroom in the room so I went to one of them and changed into a simple white T-shirt and black shorts then went on my bed. The both changed into more comfortable clothing and also went to their bed. 

'Good night . . .' I said in my mind.

~~Next Morning~~ 

Third POV

Shio got up early and went into the bathroom and did her daily stuff. She got out and woke the two sleepy heads up only to get Sora to actually get up. She sighed and walked to her closet and picked out a plain white shirt, a blue skirt above the knees, a pink cardigan, and a purple purse. She wore high knee white socks, purple shoes, and a pair of glasses. She let her hair down since it was too much to be bother with and it was wavy due to her moving around in her sleep.

 She let her hair down since it was too much to be bother with and it was wavy due to her moving around in her sleep

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Sora wore a black turtle neck shirt with a black jacket and black jeans pants. He also wore white and black sneakers.

Aki finally woke up and wore a light gray turtle neck shirt and a red jacket with a pair of black pants

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Aki finally woke up and wore a light gray turtle neck shirt and a red jacket with a pair of black pants. He also had white shoes on with a streak of red at the sides.

After they all got ready they head towards the Headmaster's office

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After they all got ready they head towards the Headmaster's office. When they got there Shio opened the door without knocking with a smile shocking the headmaster.

"Headmaster, I want to go to town." Shio said with a huge smile.

"What for?" The headmaster asked calmly.

"To shop for a dress for the upcoming ball." Shio said opening her eyes, but never dropping her smile.

"Okay . . ." The headmaster said.

Shio thanked the headmaster along with Sora and Aki and then walked out of his office. The Headmaster was confused and surprised, but smiled in the end. Shio, Aki, and Sora all headed out to town on a mission to find the perfect dress for Shio and find two suit for Sora and Aki.


Thank you for reading. Please vote and comment about this chapter. I would love to hear your opinions about this chapter. Thank you to all my wonderful, fantastic, and patient readers. I love you all so much for reading my story. 

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