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Shio POV

We had finally gotten to class yet everything that the teacher talked about was boring. I had learned about this from long ago, since I loved to read books in my spare time, which was only an hour. Listening to the teacher's boring lecture got me sleepy, so i slept on the desk without the teacher noticing me.


In the cold dark underground where no light can reach there was a man voice speaking to a young girl with blonde hair like the sunlight.

"The name of an assassin would you take it on and carry its legend?" the man said.

He was wearing a white mask that covered the top part of his face.

"I will." The young girl said.

"Very well then, the name you receive will be 'Joker' , the one who hides behind the perfect mask." The man said seriously.

"Yes, sir." The young girl said with a more polite tone.

'To protect them, to save them, and to protect them... I am willing to throw my life away forever. From now on my name is Joker.'

"Welcome to the famous assassin organization, 'Saiga' , Joker." The man said.

Saiga, the famous underground organization that trains young children to young teens to be perfect assassins in the most efficient way to train someone to kill without hesitation nor feelings. Missions ranging from humans to vampires. Killing humans for greed, hatred, or envy. Killing vampires for greed, hatred, and greed. Killing either kind for the benefits of money. That is 'Saiga'.

~~Dream End~~

Sora POV

I looked down noticing that Shio was sleeping soundly and peacefully on the desk.. Luckily the teacher gave us a self-study period during that time. I gently  tucked a lock of her hair behind her ear.

In my mind all I can think about was the name 'Joker'. Shio hated that name after that incident, and i brushed the hair upwards to see the scar on the right side of her forehead at the side. Suddenly I remember that day, when those people almost killed us.


Third POV

"Useless children! Why did you not bring anything back?!" The man yelled frustrated.

"Where's the money?! Did you keep it?! Give it to me now!" The lady yelled angrily.

The two adults grabbed the two young children by their dirty, ragged clothes towards the back of the building outside the door of the room they were in. As they were dragging the two children towards the shed in the back a young girl flew down from the sky.

"Stop!" She yelled.

She raised her hand slightly and by an invisible force the two adults flew back and the two children were safe in front of the girl.

"M-monster!" The two adults yelled running off somewhere.

The girl looked down and smiled brightly at the two children. The one with blue hair went in front of the golden hair child protecting him. The girl patted their heads slightly and they relaxed.

"Thank goodness. Are you two okay?" She said with a bright smile.

The two children nodded their heads and both thought, "An angel..." When she smiled so brightly like the sun.

~~End of Flashback~~

Third POV

Sora laid his head on the desk and looked at Shio touching her cheek lightly. He thought of how much she hated yet loved her family that abused her. Sora was angered just by the thought of how much she had endured during the three years of her life as a child.

'Kuran Kaname, you will pay for tearing her soul and heart apart. You will pay for your sins.' Sora thought.

I looked at Shio as the moonlight slowly shined its light on her golden hair. She opened her eyes lightly and smiled sweetly at Sora with her red eyes glowing with a tint of a golden glow.

"Sora..." Shio whispered," don't do anything dangerous." She closed her eyes as she finished her sentence.
All Sora can do was be dumbfounded for he had no idea for the meaning of that statement Shio made.

"If you say so, Shio..." Sora said giving up on what the statement meant and sighed.

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