Shio Kaname and Shizuka

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I was listening to this Korean song while typing this story.



I went towards Zero to help him out of the fountain, but he refused my helo. He got up by himself ignoring me and went to Yuuki's side. In that split second I felt...anger and envy of how Yuuki always take away what I have always wanted and get all the attention. I was just a side character that can be replaced any time.

"Yuuki always gets attention.'I thought ass fire burst around me creating a ring with me in the center. In that moment I felt a dark presence lurking around us and staring at me. That presence was so familiar as my form starts to change. I heard a gunshot and noticed that it was from Master Yagari.

"Shio, stop!" He shouted after the bang of the gun.

I turned to look at him and he saw my eyes that were now red and blue, my hair was white at the tips, and my nails grew longer.

"M-Master Yagari...He's coming for me...I can feel it...I need to hide...Once again..." Isaid as I fainted only to be caught two pairs of hands.

I heard a familiar voice talking to me.

"You careless idiot. Making us worried like this unexpectedly, are you trying to shorten our lifespans?" a voice said to me, and I noticed that it was Aki.

"At least she's safe." The other voice, Sora's voice, said as I felt a hand on my forehead.

'Thank you...' I thought.

~~Next Day~~


Shio slept in very late today and refuses to take any night classes as it was time for school. Her refusal caused Sora and Aki to worry about her because of the incident of yesterday too. Shio herself only remembers her anger and had no idea why she was angry. She remembers the moment of getting angry which was the time when she saw Zero caring and worrying about Yuuki, even though he was jealous at Senri one time.

'Hmph! I don't care! I'll just pretend to not care then.' Shio thought to herself as she got up after Aki and Sora left for class.

She went towards her closet and look at the clothes she had.

"What should I wear when going to town?...Ah! found it!' Shio thought as she put on a dress.

The dress was a short black and blue dress. I was lolita gothic style, but a bit more cool in her taste. she put her hair in a ponytail and put a blue rose pin on her hair.

 she put her hair in a ponytail and put a blue rose pin on her hair

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~~after 15 minutes~~

Shio walked, or rather sneaked, outside of the dorms towards the front gate. She looked around her surroundings then jumped over when there was no one in sight and ended with the perfect landing. Shio ran into town and did some window shopping.

'Ah, that's right! Wasn't Ichijou's birthday tomorrow?'  Shio thought as she looked at a book shop. She went inside and bought some mangas that Ichijou didn't have. When she walked out she saw Yuuki holding a balloon and running after a little boy.

'Level E?' Shio thought as she catches a glimpse of the thirsty red-eyes vampire from the little boy's face and she starts to run after Yuuki and the little boy.

Shio followed them up to the old clock tower on the other side of the town. She walked inside and smelled Yuuki's fresh blood. She noticed that it will attract Level E vampires and so she ran infront of Yuuki and chanted words.

"Spirits of the forbidden land heed my call and honor my command for thee." Shio shouted as. Two figures appear.

"Shiro! Mana!" Shio ended.

"At your service, Shio-sama." Both of them said at the same time.

Shio smiled as she looked at them then glared outside with her eyes glowing red and blue sensing the vampires coming towards the clock tower.

"Destroy those pests and meet me at the academy later. It seems that her two knights have come to save her." Shio said as she quickly erased Yuuki's memory and sensing that Kaname and Zero presence.

Shio disappeared after erasing Yuuki's memory and the other two head outside far in the distance to defeat the Level E's.


I disappeared to the hidden lake in the back of the academy where there are lots of trees blocking it. I looked at my reflection in the water as I got closer to the edge of the lake and all I saw was my cursed eyes. Seeing my reflection, I remember the past of my family, the Kurans, who tortured my life since the moment I was born.

'Monster!' They shouted.

"No..." I said.

'Die!' They shouted.

"No..." I said.

'Yuuki and Kaname will be engaged.' They said.

"NO!!" I shouted.

I felt tears streaming down my face as I sat down curled into a ball-like form.

"I want to live...I'm not a monster! Only Kaname...Only him...He was my savior...why did you take him away from me who had nothing?!" I shouted with tears flowing down my face like a river.

I cried silently and in between my sniffles I repeated the words, no and I'm not a monster, until I heard a branch snapped from my far left. I turned my head towards the noise looking up to see Zero standing there as I was crying my eyes out.

"Sorry..."He said with an obvious tone showing that he was quite flustered and surprised.

"Can you stay?" I asked quietly.

He looked over at me and came towards my left side. He sat right next to me and stayed silent as I put my chin on my hands that were on my knees. I looked towards the lake and then the moon.

"Hey...Can I tell you something, Zero?" I asked.

He looked at me and asked, "What is it?"

"Something that will interest you the most. Something about me, Kaname, and...Shizuka..." I said with a sad feeling in my heart.

Zero turned his head vigorously towards me and I calmly looked at him as I noticed his surprised expression.

"Now, don't looke at me like that..." I said sadly with a joking tone.

"Tell me what do you know about that woman." Zero demanded from me.

"Well,... where should I start from?" I said scratching my head as I looked into the distance.

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