Sakurai Siblings!?!?

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Sorry for not updating a lot. I started school not that long ago and I'm a junior so many things are happening.......sorry

Shio POV



I don't need your pity. You all hate me! I'll never,ever forgive you! Kurans!

I woke up sweating and with my thoughts full of anger as I looked around me. I saw a desk, windows and two more beds beside the one I am laying on. I noticed that I was probably in the infirmary after all I did pass out.

"Are you feeling better now?" a voice said coming from the direction of the door.

I looked and saw that it was Aki and I smiled.

"Yes I am, but where's Sora?" I said with a serious tone.

"Don't worry. He's with that guy you don't need to worry about it after all put of us he is the one who is the strongest."

"I know, but sometime being the strongest makes you the most fragile." Shio said with a slight sadness.

"That's true. Because we all felt that way due to our past." Aki replied with the same slight of sadness.

"Why is the atmosphere here so gloomy you two?" said a sweet voice.

"Sora! You scared me!" both me and Aki screamed.

"I'm sorry but you should've known it was me if you weren't distracted. This gloomy atmosphere also doesn't suit you two. This only happens in the past inside that place right?"

"Yes." both of us replied.

"Now, we should mention that we are siblings to those two people who came to get us earlier now shouldn't we? After all Headmaster Cross probably didn't try to mention it." Sora said smiling and we replied by smiling too.

"Shio get some rest OK? We'll go tell the Headmaster tomorrow." Sora said as Aki lay me down gently.

"Roger that Sora-nii." I said smiling and wave bye to both of them as the closed the door behind them.

~~The next day~~

Third POV

Shio woke up and got dressed in the uniform she found folded neatly on the table near the infirmary bed that she slept on. She tied up her hair with a ribbon in her pocket and walked towards the Headmaster's office.

~~5 Minutes later~~

Shio knocked on the door where she remembered the Headmaster, Yuki, Kaname and them met in.


"Come in." She heard the cherry Headmaster said snapping her out of her thoughts.

Shio walked in seeing the Headmaster, Kaname, Sora, and Aki. She tried to ignore Kaname and smiled towards the Headmaster then to Aki and Sora.

'Maybe they told the Headmaster already...' Shio thought, but noticing the uniform she, Aki, Sora, and Kaname was wearing making her think that they must be in the Night Class.

"Are we in the Night Class with those vampires?" Aki said with disgust and hatred mixed together making the Headmaster flustered with his attitude.

"Aki..." Shio and Sora said to try to get him to calm down.

Shio sighed slightly and look at the Headmaster and said, "If you don't mind, can we change to the Day Class?"

The Headmaster looked at her slightly troubled by her request. He looked at Kaname and then at them.

"Can you at least stay in the Night Class until I'm done with the transfer papers?"

"Sure, I don't mind, but I'm not sure about the other two." Sora said.

"I...I'm fine with it if Sora is fine with it." Shio said with a smile hesitantly.

"Tch... Fine! Since those are going to stay. How long will the papers take?" Aki said.

"Um... Maybe a week or two?" The Headmaster said quite terrified by the pissed Aki.

"Two weeks!? Now way!" Aki said angrily.

~~somewhere else~~

"They're siblings!?" Yuki shouted as they were walking down the corridors that led them to the Headmaster's building.

"Yeah, heard it yesterday." Zero said as if he could care less.

"Wow! They look nothing alike though..." Yuki said thinking back to those three siblings.

~~back to the office~~

Kaname had left a while ago with some type of 'problem' at the Night Class dorms. There was a long silence with an angry Aki sitting down inside the Headmaster's office.the Headmaster sighed and looked at them with a serious face.

"So...The Sakurai siblings, may I ask you who are you and why are you here?"

They looked at him with their eyes glowing and said, "We have no obligation to tell you our reasons for being here, Kaien." All of them said.

The Headmaster smiled slightly seeing how their eyes was glowing in broad daylight. Shio eyes were glowing bright red like a vampire, Aki eyes were glowing bright blue, and Sora eyes were glowing purple in one eye and the other gold/yellow.


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