Kurenai Maria

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Shio POV

I was walking with Aki as Sora was talking with Takuma. I was thinking about a lot of stuff that was happening lately until I smelt a familiar scent towards the Headmaster's office building.

'Zero, Yuki, and . . . Ichiru!?' I thought.

As I ran towards the place I thought to myself, ' That means Shizuka is also here in the academy, but . . . I don't sense her presence at all. . . She must be using someone's body to appear without my realization, so she can get me off guard.'

I sighed to myself and stopped in my tracks only to see Yuki talking to a young a girl who reminds me so much of Shizuka due to her looks as well as her expression.

Third POV

Shio was surprised and teleported in front of the young girl. She noticed that the young girl in front of herself was a vampire, and immediately thought that Shizuka was definitely using this girl's body.

"Hello young vampire." Shio said in a calm tone.

"Hello. I am the new transfer student of the Night Class, Kurenai Maria." she replied with a slight bow and then a smile.

Both Shio and Maria  smiled at each other and shook hands as a greeting to one another. In their minds though, was a more casual greeting towards one another. A greeting between old friends that finally met each other after long years of separation due to a conflict, and they have now forgiven one another. Shio drew her hand back from Maria's hand still showing a smile. Shio noticed that Ichiru was nearby, and decided to greet him too like a stranger.

"Hello to you too, young man." Shio said as the young man bow to her and then straighten up only to showing that his face was covered by a white mask.


Yuki was showing Maria around the school and Shio decided to just follow behind them as a safety caution.

'Shizuka . . . I have always wondered why you and Uncle never got along when you two are so similar to one another, simply the way that you two lost the one you loved. Though the similarities you two shared are very different from one another. . . I guess when you are with someone similar to you, you start to notice your own flaws.' Shio thought as a sad expression flashed on her face for a few seconds.

"What if the Night Class doesn't like?" Maria said catching Shio's attention towards her.

'It's not like you can't do anything about it . . . anyway I should get going now.' Shio thought to herself as she let out a very quiet sigh.

"Maria, if any one of them annoy you, or hurt you in anyway, tell me and I'll take care of them for you so that you won't feel uneasy anymore during your time here. Now, I should get going because my dear 'brothers' will surely worry about me disappearing for quite a while." Shio said with a smile and waving at them.

"Thank you Shio-san." Maria said with a sweet smile and waving back at her.

Shio stopped and looked at Yuki with a smile. 

"Now, since I am leaving, Ms.Guardian please continue showing Maria around the academy." Shio said as she jumped to Aki and Sora who decided to ditch class to go look for her.


Sorry for making you all wait. I will try to update more as time goes by. Thank you to all my readers and those who like my fanfic. I am really grateful for all of your support and I hope you support me in the future too even though I am really slow on updates. Thank you all once again. I love you all. (*shoots hearts* x100)

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