Chapter 39

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Sorry for the slow updates 😓😓😓 I'm taking summer classes now and it's everything in only six weeks....Anyway here's a chapter and hopefully all my readers will enjoy it.😊😊 I'm also sorry if it's a short chapter.
When I sensed her blood I rushed out immediately heading towards the place where her blood scent was the strongest only to see her on the floor bleeding from where her heart is supposed to be along with that man standing there with his blood stained hand. He licked his hand while his eyes glowed bright red in the moonlit room with the three of us present.Kaname looked at me with his red eyes and they slowly turned back to normal.

"Shio, what are you doing here?" He asked.

" . . ." I didn't reply, but my mind was screaming and my eyes started to water.

I looked up as I felt tears streaming down my face. I glared at him my eyes glowing with my bright red eyes as a sudden surge of power came out of my body attacking him. I was still silent standing by the door as I took a step forward little by little. My mind kept repeating the same words over and over until I looked at Shizuka who was still conscious but slowly dying.My mind played my memories of when Shizuka and I met and I opened my mouth screaming a silent scream. My mouth closed as my barrier disappeared.

"How dare you . . . How dare you kill her!?" I said as I lunged towards Kaname and teleport us outside far from the academy.

"What do you mean?" He asked regaining his composure.

~~Third pov~~

Shio looked up as she felt tears streaming down her face. She glared at him her eyes glowing bright red as a sudden surge of power came out of her attacking him. She was silently standing by the door as she took a step forward little by little. In her mind, the same words kept repeating over and over until she saw Shizuka who was still conscious but slowly dying. Shio's mind played her memories of when Shizuka and she met and she opened my mouth screaming a silent scream, but loudly in her heart. Her mouth closed as the she made barrier disappeared.

"How dare you . . . How dare you kill her!?" Shio said as she lunged towards Kaname and teleport them outside far from the academy.

"What do you mean?" He asked regaining his composure.

"Don't act dumb, you filthy Kuran." Shio said as her hair turned white.

Shio was about to attack her, but then a shadow knocked her out and looked at Kaname with its blue/red eyes and smiled.

"She's not yours . . . until I reawaken and suck out all of the blood from your beloved fiancé . . . " he said with a sinister dark voice.

" . . . Rido . . ." Kaname said quietly with anger and hatred.

Rido laughed as he made Shio disappear from the area, and she was now in her dorm room. Kaname attacked him, but the Rido in front of him was just a mere shadow of the real one who was currently "in hiding" from people who wanted him dead.

"It's not time yet . . ." He said as he disappeared in front of Kaname.

~~Shio POV~~
I opened my eyes to see that I was in my dorm room and then I remembered that someone hit me in the back causing me to be knocked out.

"Who hit me . . .?" I said as I was rubbing the back of my head.

"I did." Someone one said from my left.

I turned and saw my uncle, Rido, sitting on the side of the bed where Aki and Sora sleeps in. I turned my whole body towards him, and smiled. He looked at me and then smiled back.

"No hug after not seeing me for so many years?" He asked me.

"Of course I will." I said as I got up and hugged him for a minute and then let go.

"So did you provoke him . . .?" I asked cautiously.

"I did push him a bit further." He said.

"I guess that means that the time is coming closer." I said looking down feeling a bit of sadness.

"Don't look too sad. Afterall it is fate for this to happen because of the Kuran's sins." Uncle said as he patted my head.

"I'm not a child anymore, Uncle." I said while slightly pushing his hand to stop petting my head.

He just chuckled and silently agreed with me as he put his hand down. We both looked at the blank wall in a peaceful silence listening to the night sounds. I closed my eyes only to open them again noticing that Ichiru's presence disappeared along with my Uncle's.

'I guess next time is something that we will regret.' Shio thought as she walked back to her bed to sleep.

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