Mission for blood

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Shiro had carried Shio back to the dorm quietly making sure not to disturb the two sleeping boys from their slumber. He carefully placed Shio on her bed and smiled. In his mind he silently said to her, 'Don't worry, we will always protect you. All of us.' as he disappeared back into another dimension of where the others spirits are.

~~In the morning~~

The next day Shio woke up early in the morning and started to get ready while Aki and Sora slept on their bed soundly. She looked at them and smiled then went inside the bathroom to do her daily routine. When she looked up at the mirror she saw her eyes. The cursed red and blue eyes that caused her misery in life.

*Sigh* "My eyes won't change when I don't have enough rich blood..." Shio said quietly to her reflection in the mirror.

Then she walked out to look for something to wear inside her closet. She saw the outfit her friend from Paris gave to her as a new proto-type for her latest fashion line. She tied her hair up in a ponytail and put on the outfit.

She walked towards the door that leads out to the hallway

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She walked towards the door that leads out to the hallway. She opened and looked back at the sleeping boys and smiled slightly. After closing the door behind her, she walked down the hall and down the stairs. In that moment she remembered the mansion that her Uncle gave to her as a present and she smiled about the happy memory. Suddenly she noticed a familiar presence as she reached for the door knob.

'Senri...' Shio thought.

She tried to ignore his presence and continued on her way, but he used his vampire speed to stop her with a back hug. He hugged her tight with his eyes closed.

"I'm glad to see you again, Shio ..." he whispered to her.

Shio silently shed a tear and held Senri's hands around her waist. She tried to make her voice as normal as possible with no hint of her weak side.

"I'm sorry Senri, i'll come back later. I need to go see someone." Shio said as she teleported infront of the Headmaster's office while her eyes were hidden from view by her bangs.

Shio breathed in and then breathed out calming herself from the event earlier. She lightly knocked on the door and with a surprise to see that the headmaster was fully awake in the morning, unlike herself. She walked in when she heard his cherry voice saying, "Come in."

"Hey, Kaien." Shio said.

"Hello, Shio." He relied.

She looked at him with her eyes still hidden from his view.

"I need to go."

"To go?"


"...The bathroom is over there." he said pointing towards his left.

Shio hit hid head with her fist which created a bump on his head.

"Ouch! That hurts..." he said teary eyed.

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