Chapter 20

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Thank you to all my readers who enjoyed my fanfic and voted for it!
I'm really glad that I posted this and that many of you enjoyed it even though it may be really confusing from time to time.....

It may be more confusing in the future but thank you for enjoying it all this while!

~~Chapter 20~~

'Don't touch her with your dirty hands, Level E!' Kaname thought breaking the glass of the windows.

The loud crack of the glass caught the attention of the Night Class students, the four students outside the building as well as Yuki who happened to be walking by.

Shio POV

My target set me down on my feet and I thank him for catching me in that split second when I jumped down.

"Shio! What are you thinking?! Jumping down from that height, you're lucky that that guardian was down here to catch you!" Aki said angrily and pointed at my target.

"Sorry, but I didn't get hurt right?" Shio said while looking at Aki with a slight smile.

"I agree with Aki about being careful," Sora said looking at Shio then to Aki, "But we also jumped down to Aki." Sora said ending with a smile.

Aki went to sora said abnd whispered, "But we used magic so we wouldn't get hurt, afterall we aren't agile like her..."


Yuki smiled and decided to start patrolling another area and spotted two day class girls and jumped down.

"Stop! It's passed the Day Class curfew now give me your names and class and head back to your dorms now!" Yuki said.

"Well, isn't this Cross Yuki?" A voice said from behind Yuki.

She turned while the two Day Class students was in awe seeing that Hanabusa Aido and Akatsuki Kain was right before their eyes. Aido eyes turned red the moment he said a sentence.

"What a sweet smell..." Aido said.

"You can not touch these girls Aido-senpai." Yuki said with her Artemis Rod.

"Oh, but I didn't mean them, but you." Aido said grabbing Yuki's wrist.

Yuki was surprised by the sudden action and couldnb't react fast enough.

"You must've gotten hurt when you jumped down from the tree just a minute ago." Aido said as he leaned closer to Yuki wrist showing his fangs.

The two Day Class girls who saw the fangs were surprised and fainted as Aido sunk his fangs into Yuki's wrist. Akatsuki tried to stop Aido but was too late.


"Okay! Now since we are down here, let's go ba-" Shio started until she smelt something.

Shio POV

'Yuki's blood...' I thought as Zero rushed towards the woods where the smell came from.

"S**t!" I said loudly as I ran right behind Zero and sensed two vampire presence and three humans.

Aki and Sora followed behind me as we reached the area of the smell of blood. We stood inside the forest next to the night class building. What I saw was Two fainted girls, Aido with his glowing red eyes and blood on his lips, Yuki wrist had a bite mark and was being grasped by Aido, and Akatsuki stood there.Zero had his Bloody Rose gun out ready to fire at the two vampires.

'Those two blockheaded vampire!' I though as I mentally face-palmed myself.

"Isn't drinking blood on school grounds against the rules?" Aki asked.

"It certainly is." Sora replied as I walked up and held Aido's wrist tightly.

I was suddenly feeling angry because I couldn't tolerate them breaking what Headmaster Cross and that person dreamed of by creating this Academy. I held Aido's wrist tightly as he let go of Yuki's wrist.

"To defy the wishes of the Pureblood vampire, especially the Kuran Head, is something worthy og a death punishement." I said as my eyes glowed bright red.

Third POV

"To defy the wishes of the Pureblood vampire, especially the Kuran Head, is something worthy og a death punishement." Shio said as my eyes glowed bright red.

"Uh oh..." Aki and Sora both said as the noticed the wind picking up around Shio as she held Aido's wrist.

"Shio! Shio! Stop that!" Aki yelled as Sora pulled out a black feather and whispered as his eyes glowed.

The feather floated to Shio and Sora chanted, "O holy spirits of different dimensions, show yourself to save your Mistress through my power."

With those words Six figures appeared above Shio in a form of a circle.

"Our princess is out of control once in again, since a long time ago." Mizuno said.

"Well, they did do something unforgivable to that girl." The woman with black hair said while pointing to Yuki with no expression.

"You don't mind if I burn these little immature vampires right?" The woman with red blazing hair said while a floating fireball was above the palm of her hands making Aido tremble.

"Shio-sama wouldn't want that, Mana." Shiro and Kuro said.

"I can't attack them...I can only heal." The boy with golden brown hair said.

A light shone over the six figures and an angel-like man appeared in front of all of them.

A light shone over the six figures and an angel-like man appeared in front of all of them

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"Ryuugin-sama." The six all said as they bowed down.

"It has been a while, Ryuu." Sora said smiling.

"It has Sora and Aki." Ryuu said.

"I guess you need to help Shio once again." Aki said.

"Don't worry. I'll stop her." Ryuu said.

He put his hand on top of Shio's head lightly and a light shone brightly from his hand. Shio eyes slowly went back to its original color and she looked up then fainted shortly after. Everyone was surprised and shocked.

"Who are they?" The people present asked as Kaname appeared witnessing all this and was also surprised.

"Well,...." Aki and Sora began looking at one another.

Future notice:

The future chapters may go out of order but please bear with it. Also I'm so sorry for late updates... I'm doing some prom shopping during my spring break. ^_^ Thank you all for reading, voting, and commenting on my story.


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