The Red Ball

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"I remembered that I warned you about messing with us." Shio said as her eyes glowed bright red causing Kaname to back away.

She smiled and walked towards their dorm room with Aki and Sora walking behind her. She was satisfied with her control and was smiling happily that the two men behind her was also smiling.

"Well done Shio." Sora and Aki said as they entered their room.

"Of course." Shio said smiling.

'Served you right damn Kuran.' Shio thought.

~~Night of the ball~~

Shio was still in her dorm getting ready for the ball while Sora and Aki was outside the room waiting for her. Shio put her hair down and lightly curled it and wore a mint green flower hair clip on the left side of her hair. She had light natural makeup that was barely noticeable. When she walked out of the room, Sora and Aki was at awe.

"Cat got your tongue?" Shio said with a smile.

"You look so pretty. . ." Sora said with a smile.

"You look nice all dressed up unlike your usual get-up." Aki said as he looked away.

"Thank you for your compliments. You both look nice too." Shio said as she linked arms with both of them dragging them down the stairs.

"Let's go!" Shio said as she opened the doors smiling along with Sora and Aki smiling with her.

~~At the ball~~

The three siblings were walking towards the building, but then Shio stopped in her tracks seeing Zero and Yuki at the entrance. Shio looked at Yuki's dress and then remembered what happened a few days before the ball in her room.


After classes had end for the night, Shio had walked back to her dorm room while Aki and Sora was going to the Headmaster's office to get their ironed suits for the upcoming ball. Shio entered the room and sat on her bed and heard a crunch noise. She looked on her bed and notice a blue box which caught her curiosity. She opened the box and saw a dress. The dress was a red hi-lo dress that had barely visible flowers decorating the bottom of the dress. Shio looked at it with confusion until she switched her gaze to the fallen letter from the box. She picked up the letter as she put down the dress. She read the letter to he self:

"Dear Shio,

I hope to see you wear this dress to the ball at Cross Academy. I know that you have specific preferences for a dress, but I hope to see you wear this dress. This dress was made by a famous designer who is I know, and it was requested by me to be made specifically for you.

Yours Truly,

K. "

Shio saw the "K." and only one person came to her mind as she burned the letter in her hand.

'Kaname . . . Don't think I won't know that it's from you because you didn't out your name.' Shio thought as she was looked back at the dress and tore it.

~~Flashback end~~

Shio looked away and then noticed a weird presence on the school grounds. She stayed calmed and walked towards the entrance to be greeted by the two guardians. She looked at Yuki and walked towards her.

"Don't do anything stupid tonight." Shio said in a clear voice to Yuki as she flinched back due to the deep tone Shio used.

Shio walked back to her siblings' side and entered the building only to smell the sweetness of pastries. Shio whipped her head to the right and saw the long table full of different pastries, fruits, and drinks. Shio was ready to let go and rushed to the table until Sora held her arm tight and smiled at her.

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