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After Zero had left with annoyance, Shio and Senri talked about their childhood days as they walked towards the Night Class dorms.

"Ah! Senri, you can't expose that I'm a pureblood or a Kuran ok?" Shio whispered.

Senri nodded understanding her reason with a smile and told Shio, "you don't have to worry. I promise not to tell anyone."

"Thank you, Senri." Shio smiled and hugged him. "But, I think we should really go back to our rooms before we get scolded by that person..." she said with a tint of anger and malice at the end.

They walked towards the doors that led them into the dorm building. Senri opened the doors and held it open for Shio to go in first. She thanked him and walked inside with him behind her. As they walked in they saw Kuran Kaname, Ichijou Takuma, Toya Rima, Sakurai Aki, and Sakurai Sora.

"Where were you two at this late hour?" Kaname asked with a stern yet angry tone.

"...We sensed a Level E vampire near the school gates, but the male guardian took care of it." Senri said standing in front of Shio.

Shio smiled and noticed two people looking at her.

"Shio... you almost did something dangerous right?" Sora and Aki asked with suspicious eyes.

"No...?" Shio said mischievously as she ran up the stairs.

She stopped three steps in front of Kaname and bowed.

"Sorry for causing any inconveniences to you, Lord Kuran, but it was something that needs to be taken care of." Shio said politely while trying to hold back anything that will reveal her deep hatred towards Kaname.

She walked up the stairs and headed towards her room with Sora and Aki coming behind her. She entered the room and took a quick shower while Sora and Aki was talking outside the room. She wore long purple T-shirt and white shorts, and headed to the bed to sleep.

Aki and Sora finished their little talk and entered the room and saw Shio sleeping so they decided to go to bed also. Aki who was tired from pushing Sora in his wheelchair for most of the day used his powers to lift Sora onto his bed and fell asleep after getting on his own bed. The other vampires who was present from earlier also headed back to their own room and rested until the next night.

~~Next Day~~
Zero and Yuki headed to their classroom with Yuki's friend Yori, because she and Yuki were chatting about stuff. Rather Yuki was talking to her while she listened and add some little comments in between. Zero on the other hand was still bothered by the thought of seeing Shio and Senri hugging one another. Yuki noticed that he was quite annoyed with something and decided to ask him.

"Zero, are you okay?" Yuki asked.

Zero looked at her (more like glared at her) and replied to her question.

"I'm okay..." Walking off towards the classroom ahead of them.

Yuki looked at Yori and said, "Something is definitely bothering him Yori-chan."

"Well, maybe."Yori replied shortly.

Zero POV
"Why do I feel so annoyed by her hugging that blood-sucking monster? She's one too, but... I don't feel hatred towards her at all...Tch!'

"Zero," Yuki said snapping me out of my thoughts",are you okay?"

"I'm okay." I replied walking off towards the classroom ahead of her and her friend still feeling quite annoyed by the scene that keeps replaying in my mind.

As I entered the classroom I went straight to my seat and sat down and the people around me moved away as if they were scared. All I could think about was that scene.

'Tch! I'm so annoyed. What's this feeling, when I see her hugging that blood-sucking bastard?'


The day went on as normal while Zero was emitting a dark aura the whole time, until the afternoon.

~~Night Class~~
The night class, including me, were all waiting for the gate to open up so we could go to class. I stood there relaxed...wait relaxed?! There was no screaming of the Day class fans and none of the Night Class' students' name were being called.

'What happened?" I thought.

Suddenly the gate opened revealing Zero who was standing in front of one side of the Day Class fans and glaring at the other.

"M-my fans..." Hanabusa Aidou said with sadness due to his fans silence. I looked at him and sweatdropped then look at Zero making eye contact with him resulting in him turning away from me.

'Looks like jealousy has arose inside your target...' I voice in my head said.

'J-jealousy?! Zero? Zero is jealous?!" I thought at the surprise of Zero being jealous.


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