The northern uprising

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So like I've said someone in my family died and also I had mocks (practice GCSE's) so life has been hectic but here is a new chapter as promised,

Also a new story based of shadow and bone is coming out soon,so keep an eye out for that.


He was gone.
Charles had gone.
To war.

That night,the night he left,after putting the children to bed,
Elena cried,so damn hard.
Now,the king,her so called "friend" had taken two things from her.
She didn't want the children to be harmed by this,or anywhere near it for that matter,she had taken the children to Hastings,down in the far south of England,as far away from the battle as can be.

The decision to do so was heavily conflicting,like a war going on inside her own mind,a struggle,she had always been so sure of everything she did,but this? This was agony.

She wanted the children to be safe,to take them away but that would mean away from Charles,further and longer for the letters to travel and more painful the heartbreak,

With no one but Sadie.
She refused to cry or show sadness to her children and niece.
She had no family,no husband.
Sadie was trying all she could but there were times,Elena was just inconsolable.

He could be dead.
He could be dead and she could've never said goodbye.

Her husband could be dead.

Tensions had started to rise back in London,
Letters were exchanged between her and Henry, she could tell he was tiring of Cromwell, furious at him even
Apparently Cromwell had told that king that the people excepted the new religion,they had not.
It truly got Elena thinking,
Henry is angry there is no doubt about it,
He is angry about the war, angry at Cromwell, angry at Charles for not obeying his every command and is angry at Jane for not being pregnant,
Elena wondered if he would soon be mad at her too.

"Dear Duchess Elena Brandon
I must say I am furious, at everyone I believe, my wife is not with child, therefor I do not have an heir, after everything, I still have no boys!
Cromwell is a serpent, he has lied to me countless times, he has whispered is my ear that everyone was happy with my new religion and with I, being the supreme head of the Church of England, it seems I have been fooled.
I ask if you to write to Charles, he has not attacked these savages like I have told him too, why is he disobeying his king? I haven't a clue.
Even more so, who do these imbeciles think they are, fighting against their own king, their ruler!
You have left for you childrens safety but I need un-biased counsel of someone who is not plotting against me nor trying to flatter me.
Even now,I am in the presence of some low-life trying to compliment me while writing this letter to you,
You shall respond as soon as possible.
-Your king and friend,
Henry VIII, King of England

It wasn't in his handwriting,
Henry never wrote anything himself, Elena only felt sorry for the sad soul who was writing letter, considering Henry had just insulted them, thought she could huff a small laugh at the thought.
Other wise though, she knew he was angry and an angry Henry led to bloodshed.
If only he knew what was actually happening up in the north,
If only he knew the reality of the fact the he has lost the entirety of the north and that he is severely out numbered.

She had also gotten letters from Charles explaining some things,
Not everything, she had warned him that his letters could be intercepted by the king's enemies and it was not safe to write is plans,
So he only wrote what they deemed safe, and while Henry was angry, Her poor husband was fight a loosing battle.


"Elena Elena!"
Sadie ran into the room, holding a letter

"What is it,dear?" Elena asked concerned as to why Sadie was so panicked
Elena was holding Baby Estella while baby Lyra was in her cot and Orion and Elizabeth were playing with some toys on the floor.

"A letter, from your husband, my lady"

The letters from Charles were few a far between,
She cannot blame him, he is fighting a war but it frightened her all the same.

Dear wife,
I am afraid that by the time you will be receiving this, I will have already left London to go back to York, the Rebellion is over, at least for now we believe, the king and I have negotiated terms and conditions with the rebels and we believe it is safe for you and the children to return home,
I will be coming have soon as well, his majesty is also anxious to see his dear friend again,
With all my love,I miss you bookworm,
-your husband, Charles

Elena could have cried.
It was over.
God, she hoped it would stay over.

"Sadie, pack our belongings, we are going back to London"

Sadie rushed out the room to pack,
Elena put Estella down.

"Are we going home now,mama ?"
Orion asked her, his beautiful blue eyes staring up at her with hope

She picked him up with a smile on her face
"Yes, my love, we are"

Elena saw Elizabeth in her peripheral vision running to hug her skirt, after she did so, Elena knelt down to kiss her sweet niece on the forehead

"We are all going home"


ITS 2023 bitcheessssss

Again, thank you sm for the patience 2022 was as very hard year for me, thank you all for the kind messages and thoughts.
You are all amazing
I hope you've eaten well,
Slept well
And are doing well

-Issy ❤️❤️❤️

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