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Narrator POV
Scene 1 begins here

The drums and trumpets welcomed everyone to Pontefract castle in Yorkshire.

Everyone quickly got to their knees as Lord Surrey and The Duke of Suffolk came in first, next was the king, then Mary, Catherine and Elena. Everyone else followed behind.

Henry introduced Queen Catherine then Mary.

Sir Ralph welcomed them with praise, "Your majesties and all those with you are welcome are Pontefract castle. I trust just stay here will bring you both pleasure and profit." He bowed again

Elena saw Charles finishing talking to Sir Ralph as their conversation finished she went over and spoke to her husband.

"Are you alright?" She asked as they walked inside, keeping a neutral face in front of the people

"Of course" he answered with a smile

"Ok" She said, not convinced

"Why do you sound as though you don't believe me" he asked, raising an eyebrow

Elena looked over to him, playing coy
"Did I? Well I apologise, I did not mean to"

He smirked

Elena sighed, once they entered she rested her hand atop his arm
"I only mean that you have memories with the north, do you not?"

He cupped her face gently pulling her close, his head against hers
"I am fine, my bookworm"

"And you would tell me if you weren't?"

"Of course I would" he defended

This time it was Elena's turn to smirk

He chuckled at this, walking over to have what looked like a rather sad or tense conversation with Sir Ralph, no matter what Charles said, Elena did not believe him and feared what would become of her dear Husband by the end of this trip

Elena decided not to go to the feast, but to retire to bed early, or at least she was going to, when Charles awoke her from her slumber, looking agitated.

"What is it love?" She asked, still slightly asleep

"I worry, that Lord Surrey..." he huffs and stops talking

Elena, more awake now, sits up
"You worry Lord Surrey...what? Has he said something?"

"Oh, just the normal stuff of how he despises how those of what he calls ill birth have been able to risen to ability, but there was something else something that he said about if 'God should call back the king'" Charles said, looking as if he was in deep thought

"Did Lord Surrey nearly wish the kings life away?" Elena asks cautiously

"Nearly...what should we do?"

"Nothing...for now, we'll keep this to ourselves and if we need to, we'll use it..."

The next morning, the king gave his speech, forgiving all the northerners for their rebellion, Elena still recovering from childbirth, and then the long horse ride, decided not to go, but admiringly watch her husband from their window, though, whilst doing that, she caught a glimpse of envious eyes at Lady Mary, as she made her prayer to the people.

The envious eyes of Queen Catherine.
Elena POV

The feast that night was in full swing and anyone who paid close enough attention, me, could see that the queen was acting odd, though my attention didn't stay there for long, I turned around to Charles at the sound of his gasp. I looked to where his eyes were looking and saw nothing there.

"Charles" he looked at me startled, snapping out of whatever trance, he was in, then looking back to where he was before, for shaking his head, and looking at me again

"Yes, dearest?" He asked, faking a smile

"Are you alright?"

"Of course, why ever would I not be?" He laughed, a force one.


"Charles?" I asked walking back into our chambers, only to see him staring at an empty chair, crying.

"Charles!" I went over and cupped his face

"He was here..." Charles said, his voice, devoid of life

"What?" I asked, going to sit down on the chair "Charles, no one is here"

"No!" Charles yelled, pulling me away from the chair and onto his lap instead

"He wa there...Darcy...old Tom, he was there! As real as you are infront of me" he clasped onto me, holding me close to him as I did the same, stroking his hair trying to calm my poor haunted husband...


Henry's gift for the king of Scott's was placed in a chest in front of all of us, as we waited and waited... and waited... and waited...

James, king of Scotts, did not come.

A messenger came rushing in giving us the dreadful news
" majesty the king of Scotland is not coming. He has gone back to Edinburgh, but worse that  O that God could forgive them. A Scottish Army has written over the border and is harrying our people, spoiling fields, burning Barns and killing all those who oppose them"

Gasps and worried cries were heard around the church

Henry called upon sir Thomas
" you will order our troops on the border to retaliate with spoils, burnings and killings. Three hurts to everyone of ours. Do you understand?" He spoke in a voice as cold as death yet angry as fire.

Henry picked up the golden egg that was to be given to James and threw it to the ground in a furious rage.

Even worse, a new messenger came running in,

"Your majesty!"

Henry snapped
Grabbing the man by the scruff of his shirt and screaming in his face
"Do not speak! You are not to speak, or I shall cut out your tongue!"

"Your majesty, I am to tell you that your son Prince Edward is dangerously ill at Windsor" the messengers voice shaking

More cries were heard at the news and Henry rushed off back to Windsor.

God save us all.

Narrator POV

A ceremony was held in celebration of Prince Edwards recovery from his illness. No, the king and Queen was standing listening to Bishop Gardiner's prayer. Everybody failed to notice the letter that had been secretly slipped onto the Kings throne.

How are we all?
Hope u enjoyed!!

Sorry this outro is rushed!
Have a nice day!!
Thanks for reading, love you all!
-Issy 💙💙

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