Christmas and a happy new year

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(A shorter one, nothing much happens this ep so-)

Elena POV

Something had changed or shifted in court.
A dynamic maybe?
I just couldn't put my finger on it but something was most definitely changing.

Though I had some thought that it might be to do with the upcoming New Years

It was mine and Charles job to greet the lady Anne of Cleves into the hall for the New Years and Christmas celebrations

Narrator POV

"Lady Anne"
Charles and Elena both bowed

"Ah your graces" she bowed back
"I remember you once taught me to play cards, I am grateful, because of your tuition, I have won a fortune!" She cheers smiling

They all laugh
Anne turned to Elena
"And I think a congratulations are in order for the birth of your new baby"

Elena smiled from ear to ear, it had been the first time someone had congratulated her on having a new baby instead of reminding her she lost one

She grabbed Anne's hands
"Thank you lady Anne, thank you very much"

After Anne was introduced, it seemed that Cathrine had taken a liking to Anne and had as far as anyone could tell, all was well.

Music danced in the air as Elena wished nothing more than to be near her son
Charles tapped her knee
"Go, I will find an excuse for you"

She smiled and rushed out of the room, finally getting to Cygnus's room seeing him tossing and turning in a crib,
"Leave" she said to the maids and went to pick up her boy.

She walked around and rocked him in her arms for a while before settling in a chair infront of the window.
At this point, there was no place she'd rather be.

The next day was Christmas and it was spend with family

For Charles, Elena had gotten a sapphire encrusted dagger and had received a puppy English Bulldog.

For Orion, Elena and Charles had gotten him a bow and arrow and they had received a poem Orion has wrote for them

For the girls, Elena and Charles had gotten them new silk dresses, Pink for Estella and blue Lyra and the girls gave their mother a bouquet of red English roses.

And for Cygnus, Charles and Elena had given him some new fluffy toys to play with.

And as Elena went to visit Elizabeth she had given her something very important.

Anne's necklace.
Or the pearls from them atleast.

Elena had promised herself that she'd give them to Elizabeth once she was old enough to understand that she must keep it a secret.

Elizabeth was smart, she knew she couldn't tell anyone but that didn't stop her from weeping in her aunts arms saying her "thank yous" for keeping a very last part of her mother safe for her.

Henry's leg wound get became infected again, driving him into more madness, in Elena's opinion anyway.

Charles had rushed to rant to his wife about it.

"He says he mourns Cromwell! That he is not content and that he is deceived, that we are liars and that WE made him put Cromwell to death"
He vented

"Didn't we?" Elena raised an eyebrow

Charles stopped in his tracks

"We wanted that leech Cromwell gone and we did stuff, and now he is gone"

"But we never lied to him"

"Of course we have, everyone has. If you tell the truth to a man like Henry, he will dispose of you"

Charles, clearly confused, sat down
"What are you saying? Should I be worried"

Elena gave a smile and brushed her hands through her husband hair
"No, dearest. Henry is maddening, with every second his wound get worse, so does his sanity.
He speaks delusions and truths at the same time, but it'll settle down, at least for us, do not worry about others"

Charles raised an eyebrow
"Do not worry about others? I never though I see the day" he says a little surprised


"You have always been smart, my wife, but you have also always been caring for everyone around you"

"We have all changed these past years Charles, I find it's better to never look back, something might be gaining on you" she said seriously before changing to a gentle smile and kissing his cheeks, going to be with Cygnus.

I had a hellish day, train strikes are kicking my ass!
Anyway hope u enjoyed
See u next chapter!
-Issy ❤️❤️

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