Civil Unrest

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Guys I'm so sorry it's taken so long. My school is going on a trip to Tenerife next week so I've been getting ready and sorting out a new passport.
Basically life has been hectic.
Obviously I won't be able to post next week because I'll be in Tenerife.
But I'm posting now and you can expect a lot more from me.


Everyone bowed to the king as he marched down the aisle.
Elena stood by her husbands side,the babies and Orion back in their chambers with the wet nurses.
Elena wasn't sure how she felt about Jane,she was sure it was Jane's father and Brother who probably encouraged the affair.
Yet she also couldn't hate her,it's true she resented her a bit due to being her sister's replacement but she couldn't hate her.
It's true,she was the "other women" but so was Anne and besides Elena was far to grounded and mature to be cruel and spiteful.

" we are here to stand before God to celebrate the marriage of king Henry the eighth supreme head of the church of England defender of the faith and the lady Jane Seymour and if anyone should oppose this holy matrimony speak now or forever hold your tongue"
The priest spoke loudly.

No one dared say a word and Elena swore she could've seen a smirk on her Ex-Brother in laws face.

The party raved and everyone danced.
It took Charles atleast and good three hours to convince his wife to dance.

"Please!" He pleaded

"No" she simply said

"Okay..." he said thinking of a come-back "and what if I dance with that beautiful maiden over there" he teased

"Go on then" Elena smirked back

Charles face fell and he swallowed and started fiddling with his fingers
"Okay,you called my bluff..."
He huffed and pouted as she laughed,
Soon enough thought his smile returned when she offered her hand to him and they entered the dance for as everyone clapped for the king and queen joining the dance.

The twins were fast asleep having their afternoon nap and Elizabeth and Orion were playing on the floor when Charles came in.
"It's so cruel"
He exclaimed

"What is?"
Elena asked,sitting next to her husband

"They have forced the lady Mary to sign the papers,claiming that Cathrine and Henry's marriage was null and void and that Mary is a bastard"

Elena felt awful for the lady Mary, to be separated from your mother and abandoned by your father
She felt even more awful because her family had so much to do with it.

She was sure the lady Mary would hate her.
And Elena would not hold it against her,she had every right to...

It was official
Thomas Cromwell,the blood sucker that he is,was named lord privy seal.
A position that used to belong to Elena's father.
She was able to keep a straight face about most of it whilst Charles glared at him.

They knew,they both knew that this could only mean the world around them was getting more corrupt by the second.

It was happening.
Rebels on the North were raising in the thousands and Charles,Elena's sweet Charles was appointed head of the royal forces. He was going to war.

When he told Elena she had broken down into tears. He could die and just after the twins were born.
Whilst the king gave her more expenses to hire more maids and buy more for the children,to which she appreciated,nothing could replace Charles in the time she knew he would be in a deadly war.

"Why couldn't they send someone else" tears filled her eyes as he held her to his chest

"His majesty trusts me"

"Doesn't he trust anyone else"
She said stubbornly as Charles laughed sadly
He then took her face on his hands

"I will return to you,I promise..."

Their lips joined and their sadness sook turned to passion.
One last night.


I really hope you enjoyed!

Sorry it took so long,like I said sorting out stuff to be able to go on an international school trip takes AGESSSS.
I hope you enjoyed
-Issy xxxxx

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