Lady Latimer

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Elena POV

Since Catherine's death, all had been peaceful at court, for me atleast,
My sons and daughters were happy, Charles and I were never not happy in each others company.

Though there seems to be a shift at court, a political one.

The Christmas celebrations were in full swing.
I walked in, arm in arm with Charles and curtseyed to the lady Mary who had just finished talking to Lady Latimer, the wife of a very sick Lord who would surely die soon, of whom also used to be suspected of treason

"Lady Mary, you have truly planned a most lovely Christmas celebration" I smiled

"Thank you dearly, your grace"
She returned the gentle smile

A new name was announced to walk into the room Charles and I walked to the side so Mary could greet them

"His excellency. The French ambassador."
A voice called out

Charles and I started our own private conversation, then
"I wonder how the king will react to our presence at court" Charles said, holding my hand

"We have been away for only a little while though I doubt he will still take it well" I said

"I do wonder how his majesty is doing"

"From what I had last heard he seemed the upmost depressed though these last few weeks he's been extremely happy, I cannot fathom why" I told him

"Most likely the triumph in Scotland"

"Ah yes"

"His Majesty the King!" The voice called out again

The king sat on his throne wishing everyone a merry Christmas

And the entertainment started

I'll conversation with the French ambassador didn't last long as Henry called us over to talk to him.
We sat by his side and prepared ourselves for the definite telling off we would get

"You've been a long time absent from court, your graces" he said coldly

"Only to attend to our estates, your majesty" Charles explained

He looked to us
"I'd rather thought you'd been careful of me. you imagine I'm still angry with you" he said to Charles, apparently Henry had slightly blamed Charles for being one of those who introduced him to Catherine Howard
"You can be too carefully, your grace. It is very remiss of you to neglect your sovereign for so long."
He smiled

Atleast he would not stay angry with us, the conversation between them continued and I had never been more grateful to be sitting in on a conversation between two men before.

Apparently, Henry wanted to align himself with the holy Roman Emperor and fighter war against France and the Turks

all this was very interesting of course, but it seemed as always. I noticed something that nobody else did.

henry's eyes constantly wondering over to the right side of the room, Over to Lady Latimer...

All the papers were signed war was officially declared on France.
And bad blood had truly started brewing within court again.

And I dreaded the thought of Charles going off to war again.

Charles and I were invited to a dinner.
The king was there, the Seymour brothers were there, Lady Mary was there so was Ambassador Chapuys and none other than Lady Latimer

"How is your husband, my lady?"
Henry asked Lady Latimer

"I'm afraid he is not well. Your majesty. he has taken to his bed and lately made as will"

"I am very sorry to hear that"

Charles and I shared a look, one that said 'Liar'

"We will soon be at War with France!" Henry announced
"How's it? My Lord Suffolk"

"It cannot come soon enough for me, your majesty" Charles said

Another lie

Charles didn't want to go, I didn't want Charles to go yet If the king commands it then it'll happen

Later that evening Lady Latimer and Henry had gone to play cards, off at the side of the room

I knew I was correct

If I was correct, which I usually am, then Henry will offer his hand to her the second her husband dies

I was right.....

Yo it's been a while,
All my exams are done, a shorter chapter today and there isn't much for Elena do to on this one but yeah

Hope you enjoyed 🩷
-Issy x

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 12 ⏰

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