Search for a new queen

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At last the king was out of his chambers and even better, since taking Elena's advice, Charles simply ignored Cromwell but not just ignore, shut out completely, social and business wise. He disobeyed him.

Due to, in the kings eyes, Cromwell not being able to control and keep sensible care of his court, Charles was made president of the council and and lord great master in the kings Absence.

Elena knew this because, she was they when it happened.

Elena POV

"How's your children" Henry grunted whilst sitting down, his leg, killing him slowly

"They are well." Charles answered

"How are you?" I, who was staring next to Charles, asked

"Oh my friends! Sometimes I think I shall go mad" He took an excruciating breath in "My leg is poisoned and hurts again I'm afraid my son will die of the plague and I cannot sleep"

"The prince is the safest child in the kingdom, if he should die then we would all die before him" I tried to put the king at ease

"I do believe I know what we have lost, your majesty" Charles said looking down "our youth and there is nothing in this world that can return it to us"

Speak for yourself, love

Henry was looking for a new wife, which meant it was almost a competition between Charles and Cromwell to see who could find the king a...what is it now 4th? 5th? Bride.

"You are laughing at me" Charles said with a grin

"I do believe it is a tad comical" I laughed back

"I simply want the best for our king" Charles defended with a odd look, like he was trying to keep a straight face,

"Darling husband of mine, you are always terrible at lying" my laughed echoed throughout a chamber again, "I'm sure you want the best for the king but you want to best Cromwell too"

A smile spread across his face as he tried to look away and hide it

"Your smiling"

Now it was his turn to laugh,
Our chambers were dark, only illuminated by a candle's flare.

God he was handsome, was the always this handsome or had I just forgotten.
We learnt in closer, the children were asleep, most of the court was and if they weren't then they were at the festivities downstairs, where no one could hear them, there was no better time and soon enough

Any clothes had been thrown to the floor

Narrator POV

Henry was loosing it, Elena he was sure of it,

Screaming and yelling

"Everyone has an agenda and what I want doesn't matter, all the poles have an agenda people talk about the poor little boy in the tower and poor old lady Salisbury but let me tell you, they have Plantagenet blood in their veins! And my father told me... my father told me that if you even leave a sapling in the ground one day it'll grow into a tree and that little boy in the tower will have 40,000 troops flocking to his banner and you will be the sucker!" Pointing towards Charles

Then suddenly, the king collapsed, he fallen to his side and had learnt on Elena and Charles ran to support the kings other side,

Screaming in pain, Henry clung into her skirt and arms as they carried Im into his bed chambers

Charles roared at one of henry's meant to get the physician and h her started to burn up and switch, once hand cutting on circulation in Charles's hand and the other still clinging onto Elena's skirts, crying and wailing in pain, into them

Henry has been ill for a week now, barley conscious with cold sweats, until a decision had to be made, cut the ulcer open and risk the kings death.

As the surgeon barber was getting ready Charles took Elena by the hand

"You shouldn't see this, it'll be gory and painful to watch"

"Then why should you watch"

"Because he is my friend"

"Well he is mine too"

"-Elena" a voice cut them off


He beckoned her over with two fingers and with the little of his strength he had, pulled his face into her skirts, preparing for the pain as Charles went to hold his still,

Then came the first slice then the second and Elena feared that Henry's scream would haunt her for the rest of her days, by the time it was over, her dress has a wet patch from his tears and was ripped and creased him his hands.

The rumours at court had spread like wildfire, usually Elena didn't listen to Gossip but this was all to true to ignore or roll her eyes at

The king has almost chosen his new queen and Cromwell could very well be working the heretics.
Even though Cromwell stated he believes what the king believes, just like a fire, after gossip has died down, the damage has already been done and there is a mark left plainly for everyone to see...

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