Problems in the reformation

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Narrator POV

So Jane Seymour was dead, the women who had finally given Henry everything that he wanted, something be tortured and killed for...a son

And then she was gone, just like that.

Elena would never admit this but she only felt sorry for the him to an extent, god has punished him, for the abandonment of his first wife, the murder of his second and the disownment of his two daughters.
Henry was her friend but he was a fool and due to his foolish actions he revived painful consequences,

Speaking of, Elena found herself thinking of Elizabeth from time to time, since her niece was now in Lady Mary's care, she had missed her, the young girl being all she had left of her sister.

She wished she could visit Elizabeth more but there was too much to do, raising her children, helping Charles fight his demons whilst also being in an argument with Charles and now the Queens untimely death, god be good.
(Scene 1 starts here)
Elena POV

Arriving in court was always an anxious experience but considering the raise of crime nowadays in revolt of the reformation just made it all the more worse,

Orion was looking out the window of the carriage as the baby's were in the arms of the wet nurses on ether side of him,
They were sitting opposite us as Charles and I sat in silence, an intense silence

We hadn't yet had a conversation about what he said before leaving to massacre the northern people, nothing he said nothing, I asked him if the king asked would he harm his own family and he said nothing,
Even then Charles has been waking up with cold sweats and for the first time in my life, I truly didn't know what to do

I always knew I wanted to wait until I was married to give my maidenhead,
I knew how to befriend the king and stay in his good graces,
I even knew how to carry on after the execution of my family,

But now?
I was stuck, I didn't know where to go from here, I knew that I had to protect my children, but from what? I had no idea, for the first time, it was horrible.

And Charles, another enigma in my life. Every time I tried talking to him something got in the way, i can barley look at him, after every he did.
But every time I do, I can't decide if I want to kiss him and tell him everything will be okay or slap him.

Upon arrival in court, it was the first time I had gotten to speak to Charles without any interruptions.

"Bookworm..." Charles's voice broke as the conversation started.

I hushed him, took his hand and she sat down i front of a large window as he regained his breath.

"What is it you wish to talk about?"
He could barley look me in the eye

"Anything. Anything Charles, what you went through, what you did, how you are handling it and how you want to move forward. As long as we talk and it's no longer like I'm married to a stranger" my voice cracked at the last part and tears started to well up in ky eyes, I wasn't meant to cry, I didn't want to, I was meant to be Charles support at this time but god did it hurt to see him fading away every dammed day.

Hearing my voice shatter his eyes snapped up to meet mine, guilt flooded his, his breathing quickened.
He was overwhelmed.

"We do not have to discuss it all in one go, my husband. We can take it one day at a time" my hand caressed his face as our noses touch I felt one hand on my hand and another on arm, his thumb running back and forth on it.

My Charles, my dear broken husband.

The conversation was long and difficult, i couldn't tell how long we'd sat at that window, me holding him, him holding me.

He said he'd seen them, those he'd killed, staring, looking at him as he looked back and then they started to invade his dreams,
They started as screams, then he saw the bodies and the killings and

Myself, our son and daughters.

His night terrors tormented his off visions of us, dead, killed by him on the kings commands.

Charles wailed in my lap that day.
Cried how wrong he was, that if the king ever asked that of him then we'd run, we'd take the children and leave to France or Spain or even Germany but we'd leave.

"I couldn't live without you, Bookworm"

"And i you, my love"

Things weren't perfect but they were better.

The girls were asleep and Orion was playing with some toy soldiers at the bottom of my dress, on the floor.

Apparently a series of deaths, murders has graced the royal court, most people if not doing a job stayed inside now-a-days fearing for their lives.

Charles came storming in the room and started pacing back and fourth,
"He is scum, fucking scum!" He roared

"CHARLES!" I yelled back
Our son looked between us confused and worried, I picked him and he clung to me, he always did, he would cling to me and play with my hair or a necklace or earring.

Charles gave an apologetic looks and kissed mine and our sons forehead

"Who is giving you trouble, love"

"Cromwell, he's summons us to counsel, without the kings permission and presence and tries to accuse and ridicule us for the attacks as if we are little girls" he growled under his breath.

He sat down with his head in his hands as I, stilling holding Orion, sat next to him,

"Do not fear husband. Cromwell is an Icarus, soon enough he will try fly far too high and then he will be done for, if you wish to make his descent quicker, then ignore. Give him no power over you or anyone in court. The king will see him as useless and disposable and well...we all know what the king does to those he finds disposable..."
I felt a gentle smirk spread across my face, maybe I did miss the games at court.

Finally, finally it seemed that the reformation might be figured out, the king as written his articles for the church of England, Charles was certainly happy, he was healing and Henry seemed to finally have a clear head on his shoulders...he was even looking for a new wife...

We thought someone in my family might have cancer so we had to do loads of tests but luckily everything is okay and I have 2 more chapters in my drafts that are being written and edited.

Thank you for being literally the most patient people on wattpad


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