Chapter 1: Prologue

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I must be insane for doing this, but I'm giving in. I just have to now. This is a Universe Alteration, same plot, a few tweaks.

Important warning: The following contains some subject matters I am not accustomed to writing about. I will be doing my best to handle these subjects with proper respect in context of the story. Because these topics are things that happen in the game's story, some of which are crucial details, they are not things I can avoid writing or skip over without losing context on what is going on. If you are sensitive to these topics, then you have been given your warning, and I understand completely if you back out of the story when they show up. Please remember, I do not wish to put these things in. They are not there to be supported or encouraged in any way, but they are necessary to the plot. This will not be a prolonged occurrence through the story, but it will be there for a small portion of it. The true fun of the game are the characters and their interactions with each other, and the moments of levity they share as they work to save the world, that is why I am writing this story.


~Normal POV

4/10 - Sunday

A lone teenage boy, already dressed for bed, stood in his room surrounded by packed boxes and bags. He took a last look around to make sure he didn't forget anything. Tomorrow was to be a special day. He was moving away- more specifically, he was moving without his parents for once.

Yu Narukami was a recently turned 16-year-old boy who had what most would call an unusual upbringing. He was the only child of a two parent household; and said parents had important jobs that paid well, but at the cost of having to travel a lot. He also had an unusual appearance for a teenager. He was very tall- more so than most of his classmates and some teachers, with a lean but athletic physique. He had grey eyes, and short silver hair in a slightly-tousled bowl-cut; with his bangs swept to the left smoothly. His silver hair was a curiosity to some people, as it wasn't dyed, or stress-related, it was simply natural. (He was used to people being surprised by that.)

Growing up, he was frequently left with a caretaker as his parents weren't home a lot. And there was the added stress of having to move often to accommodate their work. They had been residing in Tokyo for several months now, but a few weeks ago, his parents were told they were being sent to Europe for some assignment for the next year.

Now, lots of teenage boys would be thrilled at the prospect of having so much freedom. The idea of truly living on your own for a while just to see what it's like. To be able to watch whatever you want on tv, or eat whatever you want for dinner, or not having to worry about your parents coming home while you have a girl over. To many, it'd be a dream come true... But Yu didn't see it that way for a few reasons. One, he wasn't going to be staying in their apartment alone for the next year; despite being perfectly capable of taking care of himself. (Hence the moving part.) And two, he didn't see it as "freedom."

They moved too often for his liking. He rarely got to stay at a particular school for longer than a few months at a time. It took a toll on him, but he understood. His parents' jobs were important, and even if he complained, there wasn't anything they could do about the situation. Thus, he didn't complain, at least not to their faces. So, to ensure that he could continue going to school like normal, and not have to worry in case of an emergency, he was being sent to live with his uncle in his mother's hometown of Inaba.

"Have you finished packing?"

Yu turned his attention to the doorway to see his mother standing there. "Yeah, I've got everything." He answered.

"Good..." She bit her lip and gave him an apologetic look. "I- I'm really sorry about all this, dear."

Yu shrugged and casually replied. "I get it."

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