Chapter 6: Contracts and Shadows

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~Normal POV

4/15 - Friday

Yu felt much better after a good night's rest. He was ok enough to go to school at least. He barely just started the school year, it'd be bad to have to miss class already. But that good feeling went away fast when he went down for breakfast. He managed to catch his uncle hurriedly grabbing his coat and rushing out the door. Nanako said something about how there was some emergency.

It was raining yet again today. On the way to school, Yu overheard some students talking about a new incident. Police were involved too. He didn't like the sound of it. Unfortunately, nobody seemed to have any actual details. But that only made it sound worse. What could possibly have gotten so many people riled up?


That afternoon the school called an assembly in the gym. It was foolish to want, but Yu couldn't help hoping this would answer his question already. The anxiety of not knowing what was going on was getting to him. He, Yosuke, and Chie found spots together near the stage. Chie was on her phone texting while they waited for the assembly to start.

"Yukiko said she'd be here after lunch..." She mumbled, pocketing her phone. (Yukiko had not been in class today.)

"Maybe she decided it wasn't worth only going in half the day," Yu suggested.

Chie shrugged. "Maybe... Hey, do either of you know what this assembly is about?"

"Not a clue. What about you, Yosuke?"

Yosuke was staring distantly, preoccupied by his thoughts, and didn't react to their question.

"Yosuke, is something wrong," Chie asked.

"Huh?" He blinked and registered her question. "Oh... it's nothing..." He said, his voice sounded a little shaky, though.

"Everyone, please settle down." They heard Ms. Sofue say. "The school assembly is about to begin. First, the principal has something to say."

"I... regret to say that I have a terrible announcement for all of you." The principal said, gravely. "One of our third year students, Ms. Saki Konishi of Class 3... has passed away."

A round of gasps filled the room. Yu felt his heart drop into his stomach. He glanced at Yosuke- the poor guy looked completely destroyed. He put a comforting hand on Yosuke's shoulder, while the principal kept going.

"Ms. Konishi was found deceased early this morning... The reasons behind her passing are currently under investigation by the police. If they ask you for your cooperation, I urge you as students of this school to provide only the facts. I've been assured by the faculty that there's been no bullying involved in the incident. So mind what you say, not only to the police but to anyone who asks..."

"Found dead...?" Chie whispered, sadly. "How could this happen..."


After being let out of the gym, Yu and Chie walked back to the classroom together. Yosuke had separated himself from the two, understandably needing to be alone for a while. Right as they reached the stairs, they overheard some gossiping students talking about Saki. Apparently, she had been found hanging from a telephone pole- just like Ms. Yamano. So this was the emergency Yu's uncle was called in for today. Strangely, they also heard the two girls mention something about Saki being on the Midnight Channel. Which was odd, because they assumed they were the only ones who'd tried such a thing.

"Sheesh, it's easy to toss around theories if you're not personally involved..." Chie said, bitterly.

"You'd think they'd have more respect for their classmate," Yu added.

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