Chapter 46: Unexpected Words

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~Normal POV

9/30 - Friday

During lunch today, Rise asked Yu to go somewhere with her after school. Naturally, he accepted without hesitation. It seemed fate decided today was the right day. How should he go about it? He'll have to pay attention to find a good moment. Some might say he was overthinking it, but could you blame him? He'd never done this before. A bit of healthy overthinking was bound to happen. But if she did turn him down, he could handle that too. He'd thought it over repeatedly- mentally practiced how he could say it. He never considered himself to be a particularly shy person, but he was still a little nervous. That was normal though.

Of course, he hadn't confided in any of their friends about his feelings for Rise. But he was sure the gang wouldn't object to them dating. They never instilled any kind of restriction on "in-team dating." Yu mentally went through the list based on how he'd gotten to know his friends over time. Chie and Yukiko wouldn't be likely to care. If what Rise said in Port Island was true, they'd be happy for them- so that was fine. Kanji wouldn't mind; and he's got his own romantic issues to deal with. Going along with that, Naoto would be joining the team soon, and she definitely wouldn't mind either. The problems would be coming from Yosuke and Teddie.

Yu had watched a good many times as Yosuke attempted to flirt with Rise, but she never responded in kind. Her flirty comments were always directed at Yu. And she didn't care who was watching when they happened. So he was pretty sure Yosuke knew at this point that she didn't like him that way. Yosuke wasn't that oblivious. Besides, as Yu had already observed, Yosuke made a pass at every girl who caught his attention. He doubted very much that he had actual feelings for any of them. No, it was clear to him. While Yosuke was slowly getting over it; it wasn't hard to see that the only girl he truly loved was Saki.

The other problem was with Teddie and his lack of boundary-awareness. He'd probably have some intrusive questions to ask, but that'd be about it. Yu shrugged off these thoughts and figured he'd deal with it when they got there.

Turns out, the place Rise wanted to go was the steak skewer shop. Yu didn't comment on it, but he thought it was rather appropriate that it happened here. This was the first spot where they hung out alone together. So it was nostalgic in a way. And it was nice to see that she was still just as enthusiastic about it.

"What should I have...?" Rise mused aloud, looking over the options. "Heck, maybe our shop should do something like this. How about a 'ganmo kebab?' Or a 'tofu croquette!'"

Yu smiled at her. "Well, either of those I'm in the market for myself."

She laughed. "I'll have to bring it up with my grandma sometime then."

"Well, if it isn't Rise-chan."

They turned and saw an unfamiliar man walking by the shop. Rise seemed to recognize him though.

"Oh, um, you're the deputy mayor, right? Good afternoon..."

"I heard the news!" The man said, eagerly. "You know, about the upcoming film!"

Rise gave him a confused look. "Um, what?"

"Hm? You haven't heard yet? You know Kanamin, right? Kanami Mashita! They're gonna be filming nearby, right? I hope they stop by Inaba too. Why don't you ask?"

She frowned, looking a little uncomfortable. "I don't have anything to do with them anymore."

Unfortunately, the deputy mayor was too absorbed in his own excitement to even hear her as he kept rambling. "But wait- how many are coming? We only have small bed and breakfasts around here... Got it! They can stay at the Amagi Inn! Alright, I need to go tell that manager guy I was just talking to!" He walked away, not even caring that they never responded.

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