Chapter 8: Back to the TV

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~Normal POV

4/17 - Sunday

After days of not knowing if it'd ever stop, today the sun was finally out for the whole day. That was one spot of good news. One that sadly was overshadowed instantly after Yu met up with Yosuke at Junes.

Yosuke, in his ever so brilliant stupidity, tried to bring some model weapons for them to take into the tv. As expected, this got them instantly noticed by nearby police officers on patrol. And so the two of them spent most of the early morning being questioned at the police station. It was probably in the top 5 most humiliating things that had ever happened to Yu in his life. Luckily, because they weren't real swords and because Dojima was at the station, they were let off without being in serious trouble.

"You didn't seem the type to pull a stupid stunt like this." Dojima scolded, "You know what's been going on around town. We got men stationed everywhere. For god's sake, you're lucky I was around or this would have ended up on your permanent record!"

"Sorry, uncle..."

"We're sorry, Dojima-san..."

"You two are free to go, but this better not happen again. If you pull another crazy ass stunt like this, I will email your parents about your behavior," Dojima added, sternly.

"Y-Yeah, I got it..." Yu replied, sheepishly. The last thing he needed was for his parents to think he was suddenly turning into a delinquent.

"And I'll have a talk with your parents, too, if I have to, Hanamura-san."

"Understood, sir!"

Dojima gave them a last warning look and walked past them to head into his office down the hall. Yu side-eyed Yosuke angrily.

"I said I was sorry!" Yosuke whispered.

"Be more fucking careful next time," Yu whispered back. "If we get arrested, there'll be no way for us to help Yukiko."

"We don't even know yet if she's-"

Yosuke's whispering was interrupted by them hearing two passing officers talking about Yukiko. They said she was reported missing today. The two boys paled at the sound of it. It seemed like Yukiko was in fact thrown into the tv already... They started to walk- wanting to get out of the station as quickly as possible- but almost instantly they walked into another suited detective.

"Whoa! Pardon me," The man said, holding a cup of hot coffee out of the way. "Huh? Oh- aren't you Dojima-san's nephew?"

"Uh, yes I am," Yu replied. He recognized this man from the Yamano crime scene a few days ago. "And you are?"

"Tohru Adachi-" He said, "I'm Dojima-san's detective partner."

"Can we ask you something?" Yosuke said, "It's about Yukiko Amagi, of the Amagi Inn... Did something happen to her?"

Adachi furrowed his brow in thought. "Uh, hmm... am I allowed to say...?"

Yu was quick to add. "It's just that we're all in the same class at school, and we were worried about her, that's all."

Adachi gave them an understanding smile. "Ah. Well, if you're friends with Ms. Amagi, then it makes sense you'd wanna know what's up." He looked around to ensure they were alone in the hallway before continuing. "Keep this between us, ok? I don't know if Dojima-san will let me say anything otherwise. We got a call from Ms. Amagi's parents yesterday evening saying they couldn't find her anywhere. Since it was the weekend, the employees were extremely busy, and no one saw Ms. Amagi around that time." He saw the worried looks on their faces and added. "Oh- but that doesn't necessarily mean this is a case just yet! But people have been turning up dead on foggy days... so we're really sensitive to stuff like this. By the way, did she say anything to you guys about maybe going through some hard times?"

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