Chapter 37: Port Island

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~Normal POV

9/8 - Thursday

Today was the day they were leaving for the school trip to Port Island. The gang was waiting around at the train station with everyone else. Yu noticed a few of his school friends were going too. Except for Naoki and Yumi. Naoki said he wasn't interested at all, and Yumi had some family issues to attend to, making her unable to come even if she wanted. When Yosuke arrived at the platform, he practically had to pry Teddie off of his leg, with Chie's help.

"But why can't I go with you?!" Teddie whined, loudly.

"Because you're not a student, it's a school trip, and I can't afford a ticket for you," Yosuke said.

"What if I'm a good bear?"

"That won't change anything!"

"Ted, drop it already," Yu said, calmly. "I'm sorry but we just can't bring you." Teddie growled in annoyance.

"Oh, don't be so hard on Teddie, Yosuke," Yukiko said, "He's still learning about our world."

"What are you- his mother?" Yosuke replied, "He'll be fine with my parents. It's only a three day trip."

"Ya wouldn't wanna come anyway," Kanji said, shrugging. "It'll be boring as hell. It's all about lectures and shit."

Right as he spoke, they spotted a familiar face approaching the platform. Naoto came up to join them carrying a bag over his shoulder. Kanji stared down at him in surprise.

"Naoto-san, you're coming too?" Yu asked, curiously.

"Unfortunately," Naoto answered, frowning a little. "My grandpa insisted..."

"Oh, that's great!" Rise said, brightly. "We can all go together! Ooo, wanna sit with me? It'll be a little full since a bunch of girls from my class wanted to join too. But I'm sure they won't mind!"

Naoto looked at her with a bit of alarm in his expression. "I'd rather not..." He replied, slowly.

Yu recalled that the other day he spotted Naoto cleaning out a bunch of love notes left in his shoe locker. (And tossing them in the trash.) It wasn't hard to see why he'd turn down that offer in this case. He's only been at Yasogami for a week and he's already amassed quite a fanbase with the local girls.

"Well, you could always sit with Kanji," Yosuke said, smirking a little.

Kanji looked at him in shock, his face turning pink. He glanced back at Naoto, wondering how he'd respond to such a suggestion.

"Hm..." Naoto said, "That would be fine." He smiled a little. "Is that alright with you, Kanji-kun?"

"Uh, s-sure..." Kanji replied, hesitantly.

Yosuke snickered. It was after this that they were told to start boarding the train. Chie made a comment about how she hoped they'd at least get to stay at a nice hotel. They said their goodbyes to Teddie and boarded the train one by one with the other students. (Making sure to remind the bear to behave for the Hanamuras while they're gone.) Rise immediately ran off to join her classmates in the first years' car. Kanji and Naoto followed her at a slower pace to find their own seats. The second years had to sit in a separate car, so Yu led the others ahead to find their own cabin.

Meanwhile, Teddie watched everyone leave him behind with a grimace. How dare they! He wanted to go too! He hadn't seen anywhere outside Inaba yet, and this was his first chance. He looked around for a bit and suddenly grinned as an idea dropped into his head. An idea that would probably get him in trouble with Yosuke, but it'd be totally worth it!

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